Decentralized removal of micropolutans from infectious hospital wastewater

Project facts

Project promoter:
Pražské vodovody a kanalizace, a. s.(CZ)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
Thomayer University Hospital(CZ)

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The project is focused on reconstruction of existing WWTP and installation of advanced treatment technologies. Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is located in Prague 4 – Krč on the premises owned by the Partner. The existing WWTP does not meet the conditions required by ČSN 75 6406 and its outdated biological line and chloration do not provide complete disinfection and removal of pharmaceuticals before discharge into sewage network. As of now, wastewater treated in existing hospital WWTP is discharged into sewage network and treated in a large-scale municipal WWTP. From environmental point of view it would be more suitable to provide completely decentralized treatment on-site followed by discharge into Kunratický stream. This solution would also help mitigate the on-going problems with insufficient flow in the stream. The proposed solution is an upgrade of the existing WWTP by providing a microfiltration separation unit, ozonation unit and GAU sorption unit. During wet weather flow, wastewater and stormwater exceeding the hydraulic capacity of the WWTP will be disinfected and discharged into municipal sewage network. The project will provide the medical facility with a powerful tool for removal of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites, thereby significantly decreasing the specific pollution of the sewer network and reducing the risk of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. The proposed technology will also be able to disinfect infectious waters. Treated effluent which will be discharged into municipal sewage network or recipient water body can provide a constant supply of water for the aquatic fauna and flora. This will be a significant contribution especially in the summer months when the flow fluctuates significantly.

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