Development of a Comprehensive Approach for Enhancing Work-Life Balance of Professional and Private Life in Rural Areas, Based on the Establishment of Multi-Stakeholder Regional Systems and Local Partnerships (TERA)

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Norway University of Applied Sciences(NO)
Other Project Partners
Gender Equality Research Institute(SI)
Regional Development Agency Posavje(SI)
Slovenian Rural Youth Association(SI)
Women Farmers Association of Slovenia(SI)


The project TERA addresses the work-life balance (WLB) in rural areas. The multifaceted burden of women, accompanied by non-recognition of their role and contribution to the household(s), agriculture and wider community on the one hand, and the deep-rooted gender stereotypes of men in rural areas on the other, contribute to the high absence of women in rural socio-economic environment. Research shows, among other things, that the share of women in Slovenia who participate in work on farms as carriers and family members is 46%, which is higher than the EU average, but only 9% of them are owners of the same agricultural economy.

In this context, the project addresses the challenges of WLB in rural areas, namely: (1) low awareness of the possibilities for work-life balance in rural areas; (2) markedly deteriorating economic independence of women in rural areas; (3) fragmentation of stakeholders in the region in addressing the challenges of work-life balance; (4) physical remoteness and thus difficult access to (public) services.

The main goal of the project is to empower men and women in rural areas to effectively address the challenges of WLB, with which the project establishes local systems and partnerships in Posavje and Pomurje for achieving work-life balance. The specific objectives of the project are: (1) to involve 100 stakeholders in two established multi-stakeholder local partnerships in Pomurje and Posavje region to foster WLB in rural areas; (2) to include 500 people living rural areas in educational and awareness-raising program to facilitate WLB in rural areas; (3) to include 40 mentors in an active mentoring scheme for the implementation of workshops of the educational and awareness program for men and women from rural areas. The goal of the project is (also) to overcome gender stereotypes in rural areas and strengthen the institutional capacities of both regional consortium partner.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.