Interdisciplinary Cooperation and Development of Personnel Capacities in the Prevention of Domestic and Gender-based Violence in Jirkov

Project facts

Project promoter:
Městský ústav sociálních služeb Jirkov(CZ)
Project Number:


The project responds to the limited possibilities in providing comprehensive assistance to persons at risk of domestic and gender-based violence and its victims in the city of Jirkov and the adjacent area. In order to improve the unfavourable conditions the project focuses on the coordination of the key actors to achieve their effective collaboration. This key activity are supplemented by the capacity building of relevant professionals and awareness raising of the available services for the public. A new interdisciplinary platform will be established during the project implementation. It will focus on tackling the violence against disadvantaged persons, especially people with disabilities and the elderly. The platform will include regular meetings of the professional representing relevant organisation and social services. Its aim is to increase capacity for providing assistance to the victims of domestic and gender-based violence, coordinate procedures within individual and specific cases, to transfer good practice, exchange experiences and increase the competencies and expertise of the actors involved (psychotherapists, lawyers and social workers etc.). The platform will bring together relevant non-governmental non-profit organizations, healthcare facilities, local authorities, police, social service providers, and will support healthy networking and partnership of actors. In order to support the motivation of the actors, the project is implemented in cooperation with several project partners (The City of Jirkov; Jirkov City Police; St. Petersburg Psychiatric Hospital; Secondary Vocational School of Energy and Construction and Secondary Medical School; Higher Vocational School of Economics, Social and Medical and Secondary Medical School). The project comprises also awareness-raising activities to promote the existence of the platform and available services for the victims and capacity building activities consisting of trainings for social and health professionals.

Summary of project results

It focused on eliminating negative influences and supporting persons at risk of domestic and genderbased
violence, its victims in and around Jirkov. The main vision was to focus on opening public
discussion. The project responded to a long-term demand for cooperation, sharing of cases,
profesional Case management. The project met the needs of professionals. Through targeted
education and 2 conferences, the topic entered the public space. The project had no problems.

The project implemented and fulfilled 4 activities: establishment of an interdisciplinary platform, the
development of personnel and professional capacities of workers for multidisciplinary cooperation,
education and conferences. The project aimed at positive impacts in 2 areas: 1. prevention and 2.
solving current cases.
Project indicators
- job capacities (target value: 3.02, achieved value 3.96)
- support through education, awareness and professional consultancy (target value 245, achieved
value 367).
- establishment of an interdisciplinary platform that connected professionals. The target value was
the establishment of one platform, which was fulfilled in the 1st period.
By setting up their regular meetings and creating a safe online environment, they were able to share
information and collaborate more effectively. An environment that supports effective case
management has been created. It is fully sustainable into the future, independent of the project.

Project strengthened the system''s capacity to prevent and combat domestic and gender-based
violence in Jirkov. It fulfilled its purpose. It strengthened professional capacities by 3.96 full-time
employees. 19 participants collaborate in the platform. Conferences and workshops supported 259
people. Professional education next 55 people. Social, legal counseling and psychotherapy helped 28
people. Main part of theme still used consultations. Anonymous counseling supported next 127

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.