Application of innovative procedures in the eradication of invasive crayfish in the Czech Republic

Project facts

Project promoter:
T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, p.r.i.(CZ)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA)(NO)
Other Project Partners
Blattfisch e.U.(AT)
Povodí Vltavy
State Enterprise(CZ)

More information


The goal of our project is the practical verification of the results of applied research in the area of reducing the number of non-native crayfish species in the Czech Republic.

Our activities builds on a TACR project TH02030687 (2017-2020), which resulted in the “Methodology of regulation and eradication of invasive crayfish species: selection of suitable methods depending on the nature of the particular water body“ and the web application „Crayfish in the Czech Republic – a decision support application for the conservation of native fish and crayfish species“.

We will implement the measure on six selected waterways and water reservoirs. Sites with critically endangered species (mostly SAC), which are threatened by the invasion of non-native crayfish, were selected for the implementation of the measures. Eradication of invasive crayfish is a priority here for the management of the object of protection and for the conservation of water biodiversity. At the same time, these are sites of different natural character with different impacts from non-native crayfish species. Therefor a variety of measures and combinations of measures will be practically tested on this selection. For the selected sites, suitable control and eradication interventions and measures against invasive crayfish were selected using the above mentioned web application and will be implemented in accordance with the methodology at the selected sites. The project will therefore be a demonstration example of good practice for the application of the methodology and web application on a wider scale in the Czech Republic.

Dr. Stein Ivar Johnsen from the NINA organization, who is an expert in monitoring the occurrence and eradication of signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in the territory of Norway, will collaborate on the project.

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