Due to demographic developments in the society we see growing efforts of local government to respond to the needs of seniors. However, these efforts are not always successful due to various barriers. The overall goal of the project is setting the dialogue between the two target groups in favor of growth of the seniors. This will have an impact on the development of the region and increase the transparency, credibility and targeted assistance to citizens of local government. We want to achieve this goal through the activities focused at training both target groups (local government officials and active seniors). Furthermore through their cooperation under the methodological guidance they are getting feedback from the experiences and needs at the round table discussions. Through the direct involvement of seniors in the activities of the city or other administrative unit we would like to change the social perception of the elderly as economically useless citizens burdening the society.
Summary of project results
The project responds to the demographics of an aging population not only in the Czech Republic and to the efforts to activate the elderly in society and improve their possibilities of involvement. The aim of the project was to create a dialogue between public servants and active seniors and make use of their potential through cooperation in four activities - implementation of an Active Aging Coordinator Course for public servants, Senior - Active Citizen course for seniors-volunteers, organisation of round tables and creation of a booklet and DVD presenting examples of good practice, and a final conference of the project. The aim was to encourage 20 local government employees and 20 senior volunteers. The objectives of the project have been fulfilled by both the number of persons supported, the generated outputs as well as its overall purpose. The dialogue has been tested in practice and found to have been well set and working. The following material was created during the project: promotion material – a leaflet; motivational meetings with potential participants of the courses; methodological support for courses „Active Aging Coordinator and „Senior - Active Citizen“ - developing a methodology, final papers by course participants, presenting examples of good practice by connecting the cooperation of local governments and elderly volunteers; a DVD and brochure presenting examples of good practice in cooperation between local governments and elderly volunteers. The booklet was based on the round table discussions and final papers by graduates of these courses; a total of 1000 copies; and Dissemination strategy of the created dialogue.
Summary of bilateral results