Child – Adult – a lexicon of sensitivity

Project facts

Project promoter:
The Baj Theatre(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
LL Det Norske Teatret(NO)



establish collaboration between The Baj Theatre (the oldest puppet theatre in Poland) and Det Norske Teatret through preparation and implementation of a joint performance addressed to youth


  • support growth of creativity and popularization of culture and art as well as development of the creative sector by supporting creation of new works and organizing culture-making events;
  • increase and deepen participation of adolescents in culture and stimulate their social and cultural activities;
  • strengthen international relations and build a lasting partnership with a renowned cultural institution.


  • creation of a first-run performance, ambitious and interesting for young people, using various means of expression, based on a text written by an outstanding playwright;
  • workshops for youth, lesson scenarios for teachers, an app for teens;
  • exploitation of the performance and educational activities for the audience as well as presenting the performance at the Jon Fosse International Festival of Creativity.


Poland: Warsaw

Norway: Oslo




Summary of project results

no issues

  • creation of a first-run performance, ambitious and interesting for young people, using various means of expression, based on a text written by an outstanding playwright;
  • workshops for youth, lesson scenarios for teachers, an app for teens;
  • exploitation of the performance and educational activities for the audience as well as presenting the performance at the Jon Fosse International Festival of Creativity.

Beneficiary based th audience development activities on creating and building relationships with viewers aged 10 and over, as well as with teachers andeducators. We started this trimester by organizing a discussion panel "Child - Adult - lexicon of sensitivity", which was a combination of twoseparate events: a debate and a workshop, and included elements of a conference, a workshop, a debate and a demonstration lesson addressed to teachersworking with young people and their guardians. It was an intimate event that, despite its enormous substantive value, also had a great aspectpromotional. The meeting was indeed unusual in terms of activities aimed at audience development, but definitely in the spirit of oursactivities and concepts of establishing close, individual relationships.Direct contacts with schools and teachers were also of great importance. We introduced Fosse and talked about his work,we provided information about the subject of the performance and consulted the age of the audience.All promotional activities planned for the duration of the production and operation of the show were aimed at audience development.Additional activities that appeared in this project and supported the development of the audience were: a new mobile application for children andeducational activities accompanying the performance (both workshops after the performance and a lesson plan prepared for teachers).The application is an innovative solution for the theater environment for people who spend a lot of time in a technological environment - phones andcomputers. With the support of experts, we have prepared an application in the form of a friendly game that teaches, consolidates knowledge and encourages subsequent visitstheater

Summary of bilateral results

The partner''s role in this reporting period, as well as during the implementation of the entire project, was very important. Det Norske Teatret is one of the largest (asome say the largest) theaters in Norway. The Baj Theater is an institution with great traditions and a rich history, but it is intimate. Ourcooperation during this settlement period consisted primarily of activities surrounding our participation in the Jon Fosse Festival in Oslo. It wasa very big undertaking on our part - performing 3 performances at an international festival. The adaptation of the play itself (for the first time) on anotherstage than before, it required a lot of time and work. The support and readiness of our Norwegian partner were indescribable at that time.The project partner constantly provided us with great substantive support. Nobody probably knows Jon Fosse''s work performed on stages all over the worldworld, like Det Norske Teatret. It is also a huge institution that we had the opportunity to observe and observe its operation.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.