Crossing digital boundaries

Project facts

Project promoter:
Local action group Table Mountains, r.a.(CZ)
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Recently, the LAG Table Mountains has been focusing more on foreign projects. That is the reason why the LAG needs to communicate more often in foreign languages and remotely, i.e. by videoconferences, telephone, and in writing. To increase the efficiency of communication, new technologies will be acquired.

We will address these challenges by 4 activities. We will purchase videoconferencing system, which will improve communication with partners in general. We will also purchase a data projector to improve the comfort during meetings.
Another activity is focused on purchasing the Premium version of Grammarly software for 1 year, which will help to avoid any mistakes in written speech, improve written expression or grammar in foreign languages.
Digital technology alone is not enough to improve communication in meetings, so the 2 employees who communicate most often in this way will be trained in online meeting management.
As last activity, a communication plan will be developed for the organisation, which will set out the rules for online communication and communication with the public.
The main goal is to improve communication in online and written form in foreign languages. This need arises due to the increased frequency of online communication. Written expression in foreign languages needs to be improved due to the increased frequency of communication.

The project will primarily benefit the LAG, which will have better opportunities for online communication and at the same time the organisation''s staff will continue to improve their skills in using of modern technologies. However, the whole region should also benefit from the project, as the improvement of communication should contribute to the organisation being able to implement more interesting projects.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to address remote communication (in Czech and in foreign languages) in the organization and the lack of techologies to do it in a professional way.

As LAG Table Mountains needs to communicate more often and remotedly and at the same time in foreign languages, newly bought technologies (video-conferencing system, data projector and Grammarly software) have helped to acquire and increase efficiency and professionalism of overall communication within the organization. Also, 5 of our employees were trained to use those technologies.

The biggest beneficiaries of the project are the employees of the organization, all partner and cooperating organizations, as well as the general public. The changes we made have been achieved by implementing all the measures from the project into daily functioning of our organisation. Changes in the online and everyday communication of the employees will continue to have a positive impact many years after the end of the project.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.