Strengthening the IT capacities of the non-profit organization Hojnost z.s.

Project facts

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We are a non-profit organization supporting an active approach of citizens to care for the environment and the society we live in. We engage consumers and farmers in creating sustainable local food systems. To become more effective and therefore sustainable in our activities, in the project we aim to train members of the organization (8) in the use of Google Workspace and to move the internal documents of the organization there. We also aim to reach wider public: improve campaigns and communication through the use of Ecomail services. Last activity in our project is in development of online order management software for local and organic food. We plan to collect users feedback and prepare whats necessary (including financing strategies) for the next stage, which will be a users-friendly interface.

Summary of project results

HOJNOST, z. s. emerged as a volunteer organization. After 5 years - along with the opening of a retail store for the public and as we are gradually perceived by various stakeholders as a "model" with expertise in engaging citizens in the creation of sustainable food systems - we recognize the need to professionalize. Most of our resources are devoted to the actual activities, so we face a shortage of finances and capacity to build IT capabilities that would simultaneously streamline our operations.

So far, we have managed to analyze needs, propose solutions, and take initial steps in the areas listed below. However, we would like to secure funding for further development and better utilization of the potential we have. This would allow us to inspire a broader circle of consumers, farmers, officials, and active citizens.

  1. Document sharing, effective communication among active members, the committee, and employees. We have established Google Workspace for the NGO, but we lack a unified structure for storing documents and only partially utilize the offered features. We do not address security risks.

  2. Partial automation of communication with target groups. Professional appearance. For the organization as a whole and especially for ESP Tišnovská spižírna, communication with consumers, members, and volunteers is crucial but very time-consuming. Based on internal needs analysis, we decided to create an account with Ecomail, but due to insufficient capacity, we have not been able to develop it further.

  3. Comfortable and user-friendly ordering system for local and organic food. We are developing a customized ordering system for food initiatives like ours. We have completed the 1st phase: programmed backend with basic functions. We lack capacity for the 2nd phase (system fine-tuning, collecting user feedback, testing, seeking funds for frontend, its development, demand).

1.  Google Workspace for Nonprofit Organizations:

We have connected both of the organization''s used domains (, to the already established Google Workspace via DNS, allowing us to fully utilize its features. Most importantly, this step has significantly enhanced the security of our data. Key individuals have been assigned work emails (=profiles) with the suffix @hojnost or @tisnovskaspizirna.

We have created an internal procedure that maps the structure on shared drives and adjusts general rules for handling data, primarily focusing on security, data backup, representability, and the continuity of job positions. This process also involved gathering data from personal storage of individual (former) employees, members, and volunteers.

The association''s employees have been familiarized with using Google Drive. In addition to regular Drive usage, based on current needs, we have utilized tool functions, such as for more efficient management and recording of working meetings (Jamboard) or creating a questionnaire for collaborating farmers (Forms).

2. Ecomail Mailing:

We have successfully set up and regularly distributed mailings containing important information for association members and ESP Tišnovská spižírna customers. The number of personal inquiries for information has decreased, and there has been an increase in personal references to information from the mailing, mostly related to the offer of organic products.

3. Software Specification:

Based on needs analysis and the evolving competition, an updated specification for ordering software has been developed.

Considering the characteristics of the Strengthening the Capacity of Non-Profit Organizations project, we see the greatest impact and benefit as streamlining and simplifying work within the organization.

Thanks to digitalization and the adoption of new tools, we have moved Hojnost towards greater professionalism. 

Hojnost''s staff and statutory representatives are able to respond better and faster to requests of members of the association or customers of the Tišnovská Spižírna ( environmental social enterprise). 

Through a greater degree of digitalisation - the introduction of mailing - we have modernised the opportunity for the wider public to support local farmers and the marketing of their (organic)


Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.