ZETgeneration - Smile, Empathy, Therapy

Project facts

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In implementation
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Donor Project Partners:
DAC Music Performance(NO)

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The project "ZETgeneration - Smile, Empathy, Therapy" aims to facilitate access to culture and to develop the capacity for self-knowledge and establishing a healthy relationship with oneself and with others of children aged between 10 and 15, generation Z, affected by disorders of depression, with the help of art and art therapy. The project is also addressed to their parents, teachers, members of local communities and the general public. ZETgeneration proposes a set of integrated actions, which will be implemented in Romania (Iași city) and Norway (Oslo), which will contribute to achieving the proposed objectives. Through the project, 4 new contemporary art productions will be realized: one medium footage, a „PsychicFormance” show, two Art Installations - one made in Romania and one in Norway (in a mirror experiment) and one new service will be developed: workshop of art therapy (performing arts and visual arts). All these productions will have the proposed theme: depression disorders among generation Z. The PsychicFormance show will have 10 performances on the stage of the Iași Athenaeum. The (art) installation from Norway will be exhibited in 3 different spaces. The Romanian installation will be exhibited at the National Athenaeum in Iași for 12 months and toured in several public spaces in the country. Access to culture will also be facilitated for at least another 2,550 people - parents, teachers and the general public. DAC Music Performance, the Norwegian partner, will provide musical direction for all 4 new contemporary art productions. He will make an (art) Installation in Norway - Oslo city, mirroring the one in Romania, in collaboration with a plastic artist from Norway. s.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.