Ideo Ideis #experience

Project facts

Project promoter:
T.E.T. Alexandria Association(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Human Rights Academy(NO)


The Ideo Ideis #experience explores another level of the Ideo Ideis cultural movement, which challenges teenagers to discover and create, under the guidance of theater and film artists. Discovering art as a way of life or as a profession will give a chance for a better life to teenagers from communities with almost no socio-economic prospects, in addition to contributing to their health. The artistic products resulted are based on the principles of design thinking, the most important principle being that of empathy present throughout the mentor - adolescent / creator - audience relationship. 240 teenagers, from 8 cities where cultural vitality is at a low level, will participate, in a first stage, in activities in their city. In the 6-day Capsules, teenagers go through a process of artistic exploration applied to a central theme that they discover in workshops guided by artists and mentors, thus contributing to the creation of a creative community. After participating in the capsules, the teenagers who will go to the camp will conduct a series of short interviews in their communities, with about 5 questions, with people they consider the potential audience of the creations to be made, to explore their expectations from a theater show or a short film. The answers will be analyzed and the conclusions will be used in the camp activities. In the second stage, 20 teenagers will advance in the process of artistic exploration, in an incubator, in the camp, where they will be guided in creative explorations towards original cultural products: a short film and a theater performance. As it is essential for any cultural product to be validated by the public, their creations will be presented in a dedicated section of the Ideo Ideis Festival and through screenings or online streaming. Thus, 6 contemporary art activities will be carried out: a theater show with 3 performances and a short film with 3 screenings, for which an audience of at least 1200 people is estimated.

Summary of project results

The Ideo Ideis #experience explored another level of the Ideo Ideis cultural movement, which challenges teenagers to discover and create, under the guidance of theater and film artists.
An external audit carried out in 2020 identified the difficulty for teenagers from medium and small cities, from those with low cultural vitality, to travel to participate in workshops within the framework of the Ideo Ideis Festival. This is how the idea of capsules was born - workshops with mentors and trainers in communities, 8 such cities being selected in the project. The capsules took place for 5-6 days, with 2 groups of 15 teenagers each. After participating in the 8 capsules, 20 of the 240 teenagers, those selected for the theater and film camps, conducted short community interviews (3-5 questions), exploring the preferences of a potential audience for the play and the short film. The interview questions were prepared in capsules, with the partner''s expert from Norway also involved. The interviews were conducted with the help of their own mobile phones, the recordings being analyzed and integrated into the processes of creating the 2 scenarios, so that the creative process is based on empathy with the potential audience.

The project created 2.7 jobs (project team). The project team collaborated with experts in the field of theater and film, in an innovative approach, starting from the exploration of the needs of teenagers, continued by the exploration of the needs of the audience by the teenagers. 240 teenagers, from 8 cities where cultural vitality is at a low level, participated, in a first stage, in activities in their city. In the 6-day capsules, the teenagers went through a process of artistic exploration applied to a central theme identified in workshops guided by reference artists and mentors, thus contributing to the creation of a creative community. After participating in the capsules, the teenagers selected for the camp carried out in their communities a series of short interviews, with around 5 questions, to explore their expectations of a theater performance or film. The answers were analyzed and the conclusions were used in the camp activities. In the second stage, 20 teenagers attended an incubator, in the camp, where they were guided in creative explorations towards original cultural products: a short film and a theater performance. Their creations were presented in a dedicated section of the Ideo Ideis Festival and through screenings or online streaming. Thus, 7 contemporary art activities were carried out: a theater show with 4 performances and a short film with 3 projections, to which 3,118 people attended. The exchange of experience and ideas with representatives of the artistic communities was carried out through artists talks and during a 5-day workshop there were train the trainers sessions with 19 professionals, supported by both Romanian trainers and experts from the Norwegian partner .

In the short term, the project had an impact on the direct beneficiaries:
(a) 240 teenagers, the direct beneficiaries, recruited from undergraduates in the 8 cities where the capsules were organized, went through an exploration process that had the effect of personal development, but also cultural education.
(b) 20 teenagers who were selected for the camps had the opportunity to become creators of contemporary art, this even becoming a professional career choice.
(c) 500 teenagers, the direct beneficiaries of the short films and young theater performances, and also the 700 adults in the teenagers'' lives (parents, trainers) , also direct beneficiaries, as an audience of short films and young theater performances.
(d) Professionals in the field of theater and film, including experts of the project, and the coordinators of the theater groups present in the Ideo Ideis Festival benefited from the exchange of experience, through the interaction between them, but also through the train the trainers sessions.
(e) The opinion leaders, 10 teenagers and adults, direct beneficiaries, who influenced the public''s perceptions about the short film and the young theater show, but also about the active participation of teenagers in the cultural act and the development of creative communities in small cities.

Summary of bilateral results

Through bilateral cooperation consisted in exploring the expertise of the partner Human Rights Academy, its experience in the application of innovative methodologies and the various dimensions that make up human rights in general.Considering that the project involved some communities where human or cultural rights are not necessarily consciously addressed, the consultation with the partner, online, and the organization of train the trainers sessions contributed to changing the communities'' perception of the right to culture with long-term impact.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.