Innovation and application of the methodology of incubation of protected fish species and lampreys

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of Ostrava(CZ)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Sciencemonastery AS(NO)
Other Project Partners
Beleco z.s.(CZ)

More information


In our project, we focused on the biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems.  Project is related to the research project entitled: „The development of the methodology for the incubation of the selected salmon species and the innovation of the fish egg incubation boxes “(TJ02000229), funded by the Technology Agency of Czech Republic. This project was finished in the May 2021 and the main outputs was the methodology, which is unique in the ability to support and to restore the reofil fish population directly in the natural river habitat and to assess the potential risks for selected species caused by the impact of climate and land use change. The receiving of funding for this project will lead to further innovation of the methodology to another species such as Common barbel, Vimba vimba, Common nase, Ide and lampreys. The project is propose for 26 months (1.3.2022 – 30.4.2024) and there are four institution involved in the delivery project outputs, which will help to share good practice to the Norway and Great Britain. The incubation will be held in ten selected localities in the Czech Republic and will be actively supported by local fish communities, non-governmental organizations and nature protection authorities. 

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