Heritage Hub Rasnov

Project facts

Project promoter:
Mioritics Association(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Other Project Partners
Rasnov Municipality(RO)

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Cultural heritage is a key factor for dialogue between cultures, respect for identities and diversity and belonging to a community. The concept of cultural heritage has changed significantly in recent decades and this evolution requires new managerial approaches, more participatory and greater collaboration, which the Mioritics Association proposes through the project "Heritage Hub Rasnov”. Rasnov Fortress, a class A monument, is now undergoing an extensive restoration project financed with European funds. As a result of past administration experiences, Rasnov Municipality is aware of the need for a management model based on new principles and criteria of quality, authenticity and sustainability. The project will develop a strategic and sustainable management model for the Rasnov Fortress, which will be developed together with the Norwegian partner HANDS ON HISTORY AS, implemented for 12 months including the organization of a medieval festival with 30 participants from Norway and over 1000 Romanian participants. This management experience will be transferred as an example of good practices to the Rasnov Municipality and to 35 professionals in the field of historical monuments in Romania (5 managers and 30 guides / cultural animators / trained museographers). Another need identified in the community is the lack of attachment to the Fortress and historical values. Because it is essential for young people to learn about heritage from a very young age, the project will implement a pilot heritage education program that involves the development and dissemination of 2 local history textbooks to 30 teachers and 250 students. 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.