Together for women: let's talk about it

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
Victims of intimate-partner violence
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 62,628
The project is carried out in:


The project addresses the issues of gender, poverty, and violence. Women in a difficult social situation are more likely to be targets of violence, women with violent partners are more likely to end up homeless. The main objectives are to reduce violence on women by awareness-raising and prevention, and to support violence survivors. The project targets both survivors of violence and aggressors, as well as NGO workers, and the public. Groups of women – (potential) victims of violence will be empowered by activities designed for coping with their experience (theatre group, therapeutic-activist camp). The young public will learn about gender stereotypes related to violence and prevention of violence (discussions). The aggressors will be provided with self-diagnostic tools and where they can turn for help (campaign: posters, leaflets, video). The project will develop know-how of Homelike as well as other relevant NGOs (workshop) thanks to its partner, Samtok um kvennaathvarf from Iceland.

Summary of project results

The project focused on linking the issues of violence against women and women´s homelessness, as these factors influence and reinforce each other. Women often lose their homes due to violence, and after leaving the violent partner, they are endangered by violence even more, from diverse agents. However, public discussion and social services don´t see this link. Hence, the project aimed at supporting women who survived or are endangered by gender-based violence and/or homelessness; as well at informing the public and experts about the connection of the two issues, and at preventing violence against women. We created a theatre show on domestic violence and organized creative camps and workshops for young homeless women which offered several women an opportunity to start opening and processing their traumas and to work towards their empowerment. We discussed with young people the issues of gender-based violence and homelessness. We also run a campaign against violence on women targeted on homeless men. We influenced the public discussion by organizing an expert seminar on gender-based violence and homelessness and by communication with the media. The most visible activities were the theatre show and the awareness raising campaign. The show gradually developed into a huge project in itself: it had great attendance and media coverage, was invited to other cities, and worked therapeutically for the actors. The awareness raising campaign was targeted specifically on homeless men, a group previously not addressed by such means, and included several men that could work as role models. The discussion with young people were a two-hour interactive program, mostly offered to schools and festivals.

Summary of bilateral results

Thanks to our partner organization, we were able to see the situation in Czech Republic from a different point of view (causes and context of violence against women, and homelessness), which brought us better understanding and helped target and develop our activities. Also their principles of solidarity and immediate help to women in need was pivotal for our activities (and also for cooperation with other organizations). The information of men to men campaigns against violence on women was very useful and inspiring for us as such campaigns are scarce in our country. Drawing from the information they brought, we started building our campaign which is more ethical (does not threaten the perpetrators, nor praise the non-violent men). The representatives of Samtok um kvennaathvarf were the main speakers of a seminar for NGOs, that we organized, and their experience and attitudes were of a great contribution to the seminar (esp. Regarding the understanding of safety for the survivors; self-help group organizing; or feminism and men against violence on women). Thanks to our promising cooperation, we also went for a study trip to Iceland where we extended our knowledge. People from Samtok um kvennaathvarf appreciated that they learned about Jako doma´s activities (various creative activities, trips, public events, and also cooking), as they focus their activities more narrowly. Among all, they were inspired by the theatre project and also by our principles of participation and partnership.