Unteatru, mobile theatre

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The lack of stage infrastructure in many parts of the country is a problem that affects both the public (lack of access or irregular and rare access to theater performances, including lack of theater consumption or low consumption) and unsubsidized state theaters and artists because it limits access to new audiences. The cultural consumption barometers of the last 10 years show us that we have a stable percentage of 70% of the population that does not go or goes very rarely to theater performances; we believe that the lack of infrastructure is a clear obstacle in increasing theater consumption. The opportunity we have is to create a mobile structure - a mobile stage - with which we can organize tours anywhere in the country. Within the project we will focus on rural and small cities, thus accessing audiences from the cities of Brasov, Sighisoara, Medias and Rupea and from the villages of Sona, Hoghilag, Prod, Porumbacu de Sus, Viscri, Biertan, Richis and Cisnadioara. Thus, the project will have as target groups at least 1100 participants to the theater tour from the aforementioned localities, 7 specialists with improved skills; the direct beneficiaries will be the public, the team involved in the production of a new show (15 people), a photographer and the 7 specialists with improved skills. In the project we will have formal and informal trainings activities for the theater team, we will develop the mobile stage, we will produce a show and 12 photography exhibitions focused on the culture of the Saxon community and we will run a tour in the 12 localities mentioned above which were founded by the Saxons and bear a strong cultural imprint of this community.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.