Together for the rights and safety

Project facts

Project promoter:
Vzájemné soužití o.p.s.
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 22,658
The project is carried out in:
Moravskoslezský kraj


The project focuses on offering assistance and mediation to target groups during various manifestations of extremism. Target groups are residents of socially excluded localities in Ostrava region living in sleeping quarters. These localities are mainly occupied by Roma community. The Project Promoter will monitor the situation in these localities; keep a close eye on extremist actions in region; check social media and detect planned extremist actions. They will cooperate with Police of the Czech Republic and deputies of various institutions and organizations working in this field and share relevant information. Furthermore they want to organize discussions with students of primary and secondary schools in region on the topic of racism and extremism and consequently examine their prejudices against various ethnical minorities which we also want actively affect.

Summary of project results

The project responded to the situation, which was characterized by an increased number of extremist activities throughout the country. Trend was caused by few factors such as dissatisfaction with the political situation in the country, a growing number of unemployed people and with people living from social benefits of system, etc. From this situation of majority society grew hate against the Roma community. In frame of the project we tried through project activities to alleviate tensions in socially excluded areas and hostels in Ostrava, contribute to alleviate risks and prevent to spread of panic in case of extremist events. Our activities lead to improve communication between interested subjects and residents of specific localities, we increased the confidence to Police. We gave information through project activities to students who maybe light suggestibility due to lack of awareness and they have potential to spread extremist idea. The project was based on two pillars, first was focused on cooperation with subjects and alleviate tension. Second was focused on cooperation with students. We achieved to improve the confidence between people from excluded localities and us. Through errand with the Police we managed to mediate contact with the police for people from localities. Thanks to the cooperation with Police we receive information from the police, which led to a better or more targeted activities. Thanks to a proven effect of this coordination meetings the municipality of the city Ostrava make decision, they will take over coordination meetings since autumn 2016. At the end of 2014 was realized meeting with project retaliators, Police and representatives of Ostrava municipality in spaces of organization Life Together o.p.s. where Life Together presented the project "Together for the rights and safety " after presentation representatives of Police and municipality together planned coordinated approach to various parts of joint cooperation.

Summary of bilateral results