Implementation of solutions limiting excessive exhaust emissions, in the market of diagnostics and servicing of vehicles

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The project objective is to help eliminate defective vehicles from the Polish roads by introducing to the vehicle diagnostics market a non-standard solution of testing for irregularities in the operation of the engine and exhaust system. The method will be used to sort out vehicles in which the diesel particulate filter installed by car manufacturers has been removed.

Our investment covers the construction of a vehicle inspection station with a garage, powered by a PV system, and the purchase of equipment for car inspection, maintenance and repair services. We will also commission development works in order to determine, which criteria can be used to evaluate combustion emissions in modern engines equipped with catalytic converters and particulate filters.

We have planned to reduce annual CO2 emissions by 22.95 tons and energy consumption - by 0.03 GWh.

Summary of project results

The main objective of the project in question was to strengthen the competitiveness of the Applicant''s company, thanks implementation of innovations. This was possible thanks to the implementation of innovative services and processes providing services by purchasing innovative equipment for OSKP with a dynamometer. Vehicle Inspection Station itself conducts activities focused on detecting irregularities in the operation of vehicles that may have a negative impact on the environment (oil leaks, excessive noise). However, the applicant went a step further further because it has implemented custom solutions that other stations do not have control, and which, additionally, are strictly related to environmental protection. They concern comprehensive services examination of the vehicle''s engine and exhaust system to detect irregularities. Mainly, it is about the diesel particulate filter (DPF), thanks to which producers managed to achieve exhaust emission levels permitted by Euro standards for the use of public roads. According to the market analysis conducted by the Applicant, even every third owner of a used vehicle undertakes removal vehicle components responsible for the quality of discharged water exhaust gases. This concerns the removal of diesel particulate filters (DPF). diesels or catalytic converters in petrol cars. The first of these activities is one of the most common choices of car owners diesel engines when the DPF starts to cause problems. By removing it, drivers save thousands of zlotys, but at the same time, they increase the emission of particulate matter, which in addition to negative impact on the environment, negatively affect health people breathing the air in which they are suspended. Diagnostics technology was implemented as part of the project vehicles with an IT system connected to the database network and a series of types of installed measuring devices at the station, which allowed for the implementation of process innovation, contributing to speeding up and increasing services safety.

The implemented solutions will enable the provision of improved testing services for oversize vehicles and quads, which are currently only theoretically tested at OSKP in Poland. Currently, there are no solutions used to examine the technical condition of vehicles that would enable the measurement of braking forces on the wheels for both four-wheeled vehicles with a small wheel track (35 cm). So far, vehicles of this type can only be tested during a road test using a decelerator, which does not guarantee correct diagnosis, especially in terms of the uniformity of the increase in braking forces on the wheels depending on the pressure exerted on the brake pedal or hand lever. The applicant has created infrastructure that will allow for a full inspection and diagnostics of all vehicles traveling on Polish roads.

The main goal of the project achieved is to increase the company''s competitiveness and revenues through diversification of activities and implementation of innovative vehicle diagnostics services, which will include, among others: to eliminate from the roads vehicles emitting excessive exhaust emissions that are currently impossible to detect at a standard station. The new process implemented in the company will contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Quantified benefits that will be achieved, thanks investment implementation is mainly:

- increase in revenues as a result of the implementation of new/improved services,

- increasing the company''s technical resources by a complete one diagnostic line for testing vehicles up to and above 3.5 tons GVW and about additional devices,

- expansion of the company''s technical resources with dynamometers chassis;

- development of the company''s human resources by 2 new positions,

- increasing the level of innovation (implementation of innovations process and product)

- expansion and diversification of the Applicant''s offer,

- application of solutions that have a positive impact on policies horizontal,

- application of solutions that have a positive impact on the environment (including reducing CO2 emissions in vehicles, detecting and eliminating faults negatively affecting the natural and human environment health

As part of the project, the Applicant implemented solutions that are currently not offered by any automotive complex:

1. Innovative vehicle diagnostic technology with an IT system connected to a network database and a series of measuring devices installed at the station.

2. Services of installing alternative fuel installations (LPG);

4. Services based on the principle of "detection and repair at the point of detection of an error/malfunction, missing element, etc.; The customer will receive a number of non-standard services that, when combined with standard OSKP services, will allow us to offer a full range of automotive services, starting from full vehicle diagnostics (passenger cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc.), fault detection and on-site removal.

5. Improved testing services for oversize vehicles and quads.

The implemented technology introduces new, more advantageous solutions that were not previously available.

Introducing complementary services to the market the entity''s main activity. First of all, these are services diagnostic, consisting in the diagnosis of vehicles up to and above 3.5 t concerned by the project. Secondly, they are professional service and workshop services. There has been a strengthening competitiveness of the Applicant''s enterprise, among others Thanks diversification and implementation of innovations, implementation of innovative services into the Applicant''s business and the process of providing services, through the construction of the OSKP building and purchase innovative equipment for the station. The project created infrastructure necessary to bring to market new services, i.e. the building of the District Station Vehicle Inspection with a part intended for a workshop and service with accompanying infrastructure, purchase of equipment necessary to introduce new, comprehensive services related to diagnostics and service and repair of cars, purchase and installation of installations photovoltaic, commission research carried out by a Polish scientific unit.

The beneficiary of the project is both the applicant and the Company''s current customers, potential customers of the Company, suppliers of equipment under the project, drivers visiting and passing the newly built OSKP station facility, residents the district and its surroundings, drivers using the provincial road, companies from the commune area.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.