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Why is the project needed? Which situation or problem does the project aim to address? (provide reference to evidence, include reference to the relevant laws or policies, where relevant) (max 500 characters)Identified problems affecting us, direct and indirect project are: • Energy losses due to heat transfer through building partitions, • High costs of heating school buildings, • Unheated classrooms and common areas, • No use of RES, • Low ecological awareness of the commune’s inhabitants. As a result of the project implementation the buildings do fulfill the technical conditions according to the Declaration of the Minister of Investment and Development of April 8, 2019.
Our Project involves deep thermal modernization of building along with the use of RES. Project effects: improvement of thermal insulation of the school building, improvement of atmospheric air quality by limiting pollutant emissions, using RES, improving the living and learning conditions of the commune''s inhabitants, improving the aesthetics of the environment, achieving cost-effectiveness, which will save financial resources, increasing public awareness of energy efficiency.
Project realization leads to a reduction of CO2, reduction of primary energy, increasing use of energy from RES and is increasing public awareness of efficiency energy, while holding cost efficiency.
Who is expected to benefit from this project and how will they benefit? (max 200 characters)Thanks to the broadly understood promotional departments, the target population of the Kozienice District, including school students, principals, school employees