The aim of the project is to contribute to reduce negative attitudes of acting subjects (for example fishermen, hunters, foresters) and of the general public to selected ”conflict” animal species causing economic damages. Using information and open discussion we will initiate, improve and intensify cooperation between environmentalists / nature conservationists, farmers, public administration and NGOs, as well increase awareness and rate of tolerance to this species by general public and students. This intention we will be implemented through the activities like seminars, lectures, discussion, printing of a brochure and CD, creation of exhibition and by providing of consultations.
Summary of project results
The conflict between humans and some animal species that cause economic damage is recently deepened. The project purpose was to contribute to the mitigation of negative attitudes towards certain "conflict" species through using science-based information, open discussions and meetings. The aim was to initiate, improve and intensify cooperation between researchers, civil servants, NGOs and farming organizations and increasing knowledge and awareness of students and the general public about these species thereby contribute to increasing tolerance and respect. The goal was met, the interest of professionals to participate in seminars exceeded expectations (we plan 250 participants, reality was 515). We managed to involve speakers from the academic, scientific, commercial and non-profit sector, their professionalism has been assessed very positively. Many topics were burdened with prejudices and lack of information (esp. about the beaver) much more than had been expected, the seminars meet the particular purpose. Considerable interest in the "conflict species" also surfaced schools succeeded with them to establish deeper cooperation (one is already running a new joint project). The great interest is also about the “traveling” exhibition about the conflict animal kinds from middle and high schools and museums. The interest significantly exceeded expectations (over 10,000 visitors). Dates installation is already filled for the year 2017. The publication about the conflict species (3,000 copies) was distributed among the participants of seminars and "mediators": at the environmental department involved regional offices, specialized libraries, on various fisheries associations in the Czech Republic (500 organizations), to selected institutions, among candidates from the network of eco-advisory and education and others. Part of copies and will be available for visitors to exhibitions. Similarly we distributed a CD with a lectures (700 pieces). The materials are freely downloadable on the new website of the organization.
Summary of bilateral results