I live here, I vote here!

Project facts

Project promoter:
Spolek pro integraci menšin(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The content of the project "I live here, I vote here!" is to strengthen civic awareness and electoral activation of at least 100 people from the excluded Roma localities of Žatec in the municipal elections 2022. After four years, September 23 and 24, these people can also effectively influence how they will live in their community. Thanks to the project, they will gain knowledge and information, resistance to bribery and manipulation, the courage to go to the polls freely and cast their vote in accordance with their beliefs and needs, which are often on the fringes of the political representation of our municipalities and cities.

In relation to the 2022 municipal elections, we want to ensure that local Roma 18+ at risk of social exclusion actively go to the polls, informed, with healthy self-confidence, and if possible on the basis of a truly free decision. At least 120 of these people will increase their civic participation by raising awareness of democratic principles and electoral processes. We will recognize the achievement of the goal by, in particular, the rate and characteristics of voter participation, i.e. whether, thanks to the implementation of the project, we managed to activate a significant number of people and at the same time protect them from electoral manipulation (which we will learn through feedback from them). Compared to 2021, we will be more effective for similar funds - 4 talks compared to last year''s three, 1000 leaflets (600 last year), 120 supported people (80 were planned last year, but we also exceeded the number, which we expect this year as well). At the same time, it is possible that 120 or more active votes will have a real influence on the outcome of the municipal elections.

Summary of project results

Based on our experiences from the years 2014, 2018, and 2021, we know that with each upcoming election in our city and surrounding municipalities, a serious problem repeats itself – the "buying" of votes from voters within the socially disadvantaged Roma communities. The Ministry of the Interior has drawn attention to and commented on this violation of electoral law (vote-buying is a serious electoral offense, see Pl. ÚS 73/04 dated January 26, 2005, Pl. ÚS 57/10 dated January 5, 2011).

However, vote-buying among the socially vulnerable is a reality not only in the Žatec region. People often do not perceive the value of their vote, themselves as participants in the democratic process, and politics seems "outside of their concern." They are not familiar with the election programs of parties. Financial hardship leads them to accept such offers willingly. At the same time, they may also face threats – if they do not vote "as instructed" by certain political groups, they may, for example, lose their housing. The result is not only electoral passivity but also an election that is unlawfully manipulated.

Thanks to the ACF action grant in 2021, we were able to mobilize local Roma to such an extent that they participated in parliamentary elections in record numbers (including people who had never voted before or had last voted before 1989), resisted manipulation, and several families even filed criminal complaints related to the violation of electoral law. Currently, people are telling us that the pressure to influence elections by certain political groups is increasing. They are once again interested in receiving information and support.

Local elections are ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL for local residents because the results can either improve or worsen the lives of socially disadvantaged individuals, families, and children. It is crucial for them to realize this, go to the polls, and vote in accordance with their needs and convictions.

For this reason, we must once again join forces and support them in exercising their civic rights freely and courageously.

Although it was a small, time-limited action grant (four discussions were conducted, along with a leaflet campaign and continuous pro-election support for local Roma), the project''s impact is once again in an excellent "cost/performance" ratio. We do not consider the delay in the implementation of the discussions a problem – a significant portion of voters in relation to municipal elections were captured by us by September 23rd. Through the following discussions, we could support and activate them towards the presidential elections. Thanks to the implemented project, local Roma are more informed, have once again had a clearly positive experience during elections, have been able to reject manipulation, and make decisions freely based on better knowledge of the election process, election programs, etc. The topic of elections has become important to them. As a long-term indirect effect, we perceive the transmission of a positive behavioral pattern within Roma families (growing children observe their parents and adult siblings and will also start participating in elections). If Roma actively vote in large numbers and are well-informed about their preferences and interests, it will have an impact on their social status and civic participation in the long run.

The aim of the project was to ensure that local Roma aged 18 and above, at risk of social exclusion, actively, informed, and with healthy self-confidence, participated in the 2022 municipal elections, making their decisions based on genuine free will. The goal was also to strengthen civic participation, at a minimum of 120 individuals, through increased awareness of democratic principles and electoral processes. We intended to measure the achievement of our goal by assessing the level and characteristics of voter participation, to determine if the project successfully activated a significant number of people while also protecting them from electoral manipulation. Additionally, we aimed to be more efficient compared to 2021, achieving the same objectives with similar financial resources: conducting 4 discussions instead of 3, distributing 1000 leaflets instead of 600, and supporting 120 individuals instead of 80 (considering that 120 or more active votes could have a real impact on the outcome of municipal elections).

Evaluation of Goal Achievement: Within the contractually defined timeframe, we successfully conducted 4 thematic discussions with a minimum of 183 participants (according to attendance lists), but unfortunately, we were only able to distribute 550 leaflets due to increased service costs and inflation. We evaluated the effectiveness of the intervention and adjusted the organization''s strategy in the targeted area efficiently.

Based on information from Roma voters (e.g., they informed us that they were "going to vote") and general feedback from the election commission, the voter turnout of local Roma was remarkable, with the vast majority of individuals involved in the project and their family members likely participating in the elections.

Considering the level of interest and active participation in the discussions (notes, questions, sharing), it is certain that their level of information and civic awareness deepened significantly.

From feedback received from individuals, we know that they did not allow themselves to be manipulated due to good information, but unfortunately, they were susceptible to disinformation when it came to vote buying.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.