The bilateral events of programme "Correctional Services"

Bilateral initiative facts

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia(LV)
Bilateral initiative number:
Initial cost:
Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
Capacity building and short-term training
Workshop or seminarMQPL methodology training; experience exchange visits; participation in FMO workshop; conversation festival "Lampa"; meeting of representatives of Latvian and Norwegian Red Cross; international working group No. 1 "Education" meeting No
Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Services(NO)
Romerike Prison(NO)
University College of the Norwegian Correctional Service(NO)
Programme areas:


In March, Training of trainers will be organised in Olaine with experts from Norway. In March, Latvian researchers will participate in training in Kongsvinger on the implementation of Measuring Quality of Prison Life (MQPL+) tool. In April, 10 representatives of Olaine Prison and Olaine Addiction Centre will go on a visit to Oslo to ensure the continuation of results achieved during the previous Norway Grants period and to get acquainted with the work of Norwegian correctional services. In June one representative of PO will participate in a seminar in Tallin, Estonia organised by Finance

Summary of the results

Participants learned about dynamic security, reaching goals in training of prison officers, and skills on how to reflect on topics in training videos and facilitate structured and reasoned discussions. - Latvian side learned about the Norwegian correctional system, met representatives of Pathfinder and Tyrili programmes, visited KDI and training centre of KRUS. - Latvian researchers acquired practical knowledge of applying MPQL and SQL instruments. - Participants of the working group shared their experience on the implementation of training processes, integration of training into e-environment, the use of modern solutions, and the development of training methods. - During workshops it was discussed how to correctly fill project-level information in Grace and POs shared their experience with implementing projects in this Norway grants period. - Latvian party learned of the role of radio in the social rehabilitation process of inmates, and about the experience of several prison organizations and NGOs. Participants were also invited to visit a Norwegian prison to gain insight into the work of the prison radio. - Representatives of the Latvian and Norwegian Red Cross, and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Riga discussed cooperation opportunities. During LAMPA festival discussion, the role of prisons, NGOs, and the private sector in the creation of pre-conditions for the convicts to return to socially and economically viable life after serving their sentence was discussed.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.