This project is mainly aimed at providing dysfunctional families with social assistance and consultancy. The project is targeted at 20 families from the Šluknov area living in social exclusion. The goal of the program is to prevent termination of parental rights. The goal is to prevent the children from being abandoned or institutionalized as well as to improve child and youth care. From 2009 to 2013 the number of abandoned and institutionalized children as well as the number of social exclusion cases grew significantly.The team of 2 mediators assisted by a group of social workers provide counseling and social support. The guidance will help to develop parent awareness skills and integrate the families in the society. The number of successfully served families is estimated at 12. This project is fulfilled without a partner.
Summary of project results
Region Šluknov Promontory border region is an area of approximately 1/3 of district. High unemployment, a large number of socially excluded localities and underprivileged families makes this region of the republic, in the above-average number of children placed in institutional care. The main objective of the project was to ensure the safe development of children and youth from socially disadvantaged families in the region and preserving the family as a whole. The specific objective of strengthening parenting skills and competencies of children in 20 families. To achieve the objective we have planned and secured material, personnel and logistics to organize 4 activities: a social work through two mediators, the project provided outreach assistance to 27 families; 3 group activities for a total of 47 participants; 9 individual psychotherapy sessions; and 5 motivational activation events, which were attended by a total of 67 people . After several months of intensive work with families who had the opportunity to participate in a relatively large number of activities during the annual project was to establish deeper cooperation that exceeds the next years and allows long-term cooperation to stabilize families. Binding with families has been strengthened by shared experiences both within families but also in the framework of cooperation client - a mediator. In 74 % of families to stabilize and improve the situation compared to the initial diagnosis . They were especially positive changes in preschool and school preparation of children , leisure activities for children , foster social ties with peers , increasing parenting skills , maintain housing, remain on the job market , dealing with the authorities ( eg . OSPOD , Labour Office ), management of family budget and solving health.
Summary of bilateral results