Proposal to modify the surroundings of the Church Nanebevzetí P. Marie in Netolice

Project facts

Project promoter:
Víc z Netolic, z. s.(CZ)
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The space we want to modify is currently neglected and dangerous for children who go to school and the library in the building adjacent to the space. The space around the church should serve not only children, parishioners, but also the general public, as it is freely accessible and right in the city center. From the course of negotiations with representatives of various organizations (parish, municipal office, school, library, museum, home for the elderly) should arise suggestions and ideas for the implementation of elements that would revive the space. The questionnaire survey of the general public should then produce the final winning The winning design will be handed over to the architect for the elaboration of the architectural design. The project plans to reach agreement with the participants in the negotiations on the use and modification of this space and the subsequent architectural drawing for other needs of the actual implementation of the modifications. The project should benefit the participants of the church''s activities (funeral rites, masses and other parish aquities), as well as children, who can use the space not only for teaching in nature, but also waiting in case of pick-up by parents (the building houses the 3rd and 4th grades of the elementary school). It could also serve the needs of the library, which is in the same building as the school, for all events that can currently take place only inside the building. Another target group are pensioners from a nearby home for the elderly, who can relax here on their way to the square. Neighborhood festivals are already taking place in the neighboring area, but due to the disorder and the demolished wall, they are not suitable for any activities. In this case, the target group is the general public, who are invited to this neighborhood celebration. In the event of a modification, this space could also be used by employees of the local museum for cultural activities.

Summary of project results

With the project, we wanted to start a debate about changing the use of publicly accessible space in the center of Netolice. The representatives of all the approached organizations met with us and it was clear from the meeting that they were very interested in changing the space and that they would use it for the activities of their organizations. A significant impact was the activation of the general public, when they had the opportunity to co-decide and comment on the completed architectural design. And last but not least, the openness of the representatives of the parish, which is the owner of the land, to provide space for use by the general public.

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