The aim of the project is to ensure the successful enrolment and school attendance of Roma children at non-segregated primary schools in Ostrava as they have been very often automatically recommended for “school with special need”. Many of Roma children do not gain basic pre-school education that lowers their chance of successful school entrance and school results. The project increases the Roma children´s school success by giving them the possibility to attend intense activities organised on a regular basis, offering appropriate pre –school and school preparation and also by raising awareness of inclusive education among Roma parents, and thus direct work with Roma parents is also part of the project. The period of the project will enable us to evaluate concrete impacts on the target groups and monitor the progress of both kids and parents. The part of capacity building is used for the development of a highly interactive, professional web site.
Summary of project results
The project responded to significant educational differences proportional to the socio-economic status of the families. The Roma community struggles with lower education and awareness. Quality education of children is the only possible remedy for a long-term positive change in excluded communities. The aim was to support quality education and an equal access for 60 underprivileged children, their regular attendance in schools (preparation, enrollment, overcoming difficult beginnings) through support of assistants / afternoon work - supportive tutoring, engagement of families. The project supported better education for Roma children, who were prepared for entry into regular kindergarten or school, thus avoided social isolation and lack of development of their skills from an early age. We believe that the project initiated a long-term breakthrough changes in the field of inclusive education to enable children from poorer families to have an equal access to education, to thrive in mainstream facility with the help of supportive measures. Assistants (mostly Roma) supplied children with knowledge and skills, reduced fear of Roma parents, raised their awareness, contributed to greater mutual trust and cooperation, served as a positive example for other Roma children and communities. The project helped to establish long-term cooperation with quality kindergartens and schools in Ostrava - for their intensive work with a diverse group. Positive impact can be seen from the feedbacks. In addition to improving educational work with children staff also praised better cooperation with parents, preventing absenteeism etc.
Summary of bilateral results