Use of technologies within organisation O děti postaráno towards learning and development of mothers returning from parental leave.

Project facts

Project promoter:
O děti postaráno z.s.(CZ)
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The project goal is to train five employees of O děti postaráno z.s. in managing available tools and actively using them to offer our services to women/mothers from our region that are disadvantaged while looking for new employment after parental leave. By bringing our learning offers into interactive and digital form and spreading it in (already established) cooperation with the Labour office we can guarantee to reach precisely our target group. We expect to see significant growth compared to the current status which is based on a need to travel and is limiting our focus group dramatically.

Summary of project results

During our long-term project on reconciling family and personal life, where our target group is
all women mothers, we met at a round table with the head of the contact office of the Labour Office
Czech Republic in Ivančice - Bc. Jaroslav Šrom (hereafter referred to as the Labour Office or the Labour Office). Thanks to these conversations we found out that
our projects target a more educated, motivated and less problematic part of the spectrum of women mothers and we decided to
to create a joint project with the Labour Office so that we can target mothers who have a situation in the present
or in the near future complicated and do not have the competence to actively address their situation.

A1 Training of employees in the use of the digital tool

A2 Conversion of learning materials into a scenario
Internal trainer Elisabeth Axmann, labour market expert and
author of the training materials, after training in A1 will convert
our internal learning materials and materials from the UI into a form
scenarios, which will then be implemented into the application
Google Quiz (A3). This involves creating the quiz scenario to be as
best understandable to the participants and preserve its
content and educational benefit. 

A3 Processing the documents into digital form

A4 Implementation in cooperation with the Labour Office in Ivančice to work with the target
group. In cooperation with the local branch of the Labour Office we want to
to spread access to quizzes among our target group, which is
located. The aim is to teach the employees of the ÚP to use this tool
to work with their clients and help women after parental leave
long-term caregivers to help them to return more easily.
to work and to reduce the time of registration as a jobseeker
employment. It foresees the involvement of the Project Coordinator
together with an internal trainer.

In the organization, we have been solving for a long time how we could increase the impact of our activities. We wanted to increase the impact not only with regard to the location, but also with regard to the possibilities of our target group. One of the ways we wanted to use for this was digitization and finding a simple tool that would allow us to fulfill our visions. Thanks to this project, we had the opportunity to train 5 employees in the organization in the use of the Google Forms tool, specializing in the creation of quizzes. We knew that 5 people was a sufficient number, which would ensure the sustainability of the acquired skills within the organization even in the case of turnover. This has already been confirmed in practice - although one of the participants in the training no longer works for us, our internal possibilities were to train a person who would take his place. We use the tool in all projects across the entire organization and it has become popular with both employees and clients. Thanks to the project, we managed to achieve the necessary change.

We see another positive impact of the project in the impact on our target group. The digitization of quizzes, which was successfully implemented during the project, brought more flexibility and accessibility to education to our target group. We conclude this based on the responses that come to our quizzes in the organization.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.