2021-EY-PCVET-0024 Performance and quality in internships

Project facts

Project promoter:
Liceul Tehnologic ”Mihai Eminescu” Dumbraveni(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
S.C. Symmetrica S.R.L.(RO)


According to the school curricula, students have to learn at school operations that are no longer performed today in almost any factory equipped with automated technological lines, so the theoretical and practical notions that students have to learn in school (sawing, riveting, chipping , etc.) do not meet the needs of technological economic suppliers, in search of skilled labor. Therefore, the main objective of the project is to create the quality of internships of the economic agent on new technologies in the field, for a rapid insertion in the labor market. The specific objectives are: 1. Preparation of three CDLs for the mechanical field to ensure the correlation of their theoretical notions with the practical ones of the economic agent.

2. Improving the knowledge of VET teachers regarding the theoretical and practical notions of the mechanical field.

During the 5-day study visit to Portugal organized by Bragamob, the 8 VET teachers and 3 tutors from the partner company will identify best practices and learn from Portuguese partners how to improve learning by doing practice in the workplace. To the study visit, also, will participate 1 english teacher and the school director.

Tangible results: 3 new CDLs for the mechanical field to correlate theoretical notions on new technologies with the reality of the economic agent (grades IX, X and XI- a), 3 practice books for the proposed CDLs (9th, 10th and 11th grades), 3 specialized tests (9th, 10th and 11th grades), two questionnaires for the evaluation of practical training courses (one at the beginning of the project and one at the end of it).

Summary of project results

The need that led to the implementation of this project stems from the fact that, after the first participation in the internships at the partner company, the students and the accompanying master instructors identified a huge discrepancy between the school programs in force for TVET and the reality imposed by the technological lines, fully automated used by the economic operator. According to the school curricula, students must learn at school operations that are no longer performed today in almost any factory equipped with automated technological lines, so the theoretical and practical notions that students must learn at school (saw cuts, riveting, processing by wood chips, etc.) do not meet the needs of technological economic agents, looking for qualified labor. Also, the economic agent implements the 5S method (sort, arrange, clean, standardize, support) for organizing, cleaning, developing and supporting a productive workplace. School programs, being outdated, do not provide notions regarding this work organization system. The partner company has expressed its desire to employ the future graduates of the school, therefore, they must acquire these theoretical and practical notions from the time of school.That is why, through this project, the school wanted to improve the quality of internships at the company regarding new technologies in the field of mechanics, for a quick insertion on the labor market. Also, since the collaboration with the partner economic operator for running internships, the company SC Symmetrica Tech, is recent - starting with the 2021-2022 school year, we wanted to improve the relationship with the company''s representatives and with the internship tutors of our students.

To achieve the objectives of the project, the following types of activities were carried out:
Realization of implementation and monitoring plans.
Selection and preparation of participants for the study visit in Cyprus.
Organization and conduct of the study visit.
Realization of project products.
Dissemination of project results.

Through the dissemination activities, the objectives of the project, the activities carried out within them, as well as the impact and results of the project were made known to the students of the school, the teaching staff of the school, the teaching staff of Suceava county, the parents and the local community of Dumbrăveni commune, the readers of the daily Monitorul de SuceavaAlso, as a result of the improved skills of the students and IPT teaching staff, the improvement of the collaboration with the partner economic agent, in May 2023 we organized a metal fabrication contest called Craftsmen, where the partner economic agent was involved both in guiding the students , as well as in the financial support of the project. Participating students were rewarded with cash prizes and products specific to the field of study. in May 2023 we organized a metal fabrication contest called Craftsmen, where the partner economic agent was involved both in guiding the students , as well as in the financial support of the project. Participating students were rewarded with cash prizes and products specific to the field of study.

Within the project were achieved:- local activities in which 134 students were involved - vocational school and technological high school, 8 teaching staff who work with students in vocational education, as well as 3 representatives of the partner economic agent. The following were carried out: initial and final questionnaires for students, evaluation tests for students, curricula in local development (for the field of mechanics, in the 9th grade, the new CDL is entitled Making metal parts using basic operations in locksmithing, in the 10th grade, the new CDL is titled Specific Assemblies in Mechanics, and in the 11th grade the new CDL is titled Making Metal Fabrications), Practice books for the 9th, 10th and 11th grades.- a study visit to Portugal in which a total of 13 people took part, including: 8 VET teachers, 1 director, 1 English teacher, 3 representatives of the economic agent.- project dissemination activities: presentation of the project to the Teacher''s Council, articles in the local press, creation of the project website, creation of a roll-up, an electronic banner dedicated to the project, closing conference of the project, PPT presentations during the pedagogical checks.All these activities carried out within the project were important because they led to the achievement of the project''s objectives. Thus, by applying the initial questionnaires to the students of the vocational school, we had the opportunity to identify the real needs of the students regarding internships at the economic agent. Through the creation by the school''s teaching staff, in collaboration with the partner economic agent of the other documents, we managed to offer a package of tools necessary for the better performance of the internships. Also, by applying the final questionnaire, we were able to ascertain what was the impact on the students of the implementation of the new CDLs, the use of the practice tutor''s notebook, the evaluation sheets and the learning agreements. Through the participation of the teaching staff, the representatives of the company , the director responsible for IPT and the English teacher in the study visit to Portugal, the professional development of the teaching staff, the improvement of the skills of the staff of the ecompany and the exchange of good practices at the level of school management were achieved. i

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.