2021-EY-PCVET-0023 Partnership for internships in tourism and food

Project facts

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Other Project Partners
Instituto Turismo de Portugal(PT)


The project ”Partnership for internships in tourism and food” aim to improve the organization and evaluation of internships for the students of the Economic Highschool. Over the years, the Economic Highschool has struggled to find the practical partners, as most of them are small economic units with little possibility to take on and train students.

The main objective of this project is to learn from the host institution and the partner companies of the Portuguese schools how to improve the work based learning of students and how to make a better correlation between the skills acquired by our graduates and the requirements of the labor market.

Our partner company is SC HOTEL LEON SRL

The project consist in the organization of a 5-day study visit to the Instituto Turismo de Portugal,  for a number of 10 people: 6 VET teachers , 1 English teacher, the school principal, the manager of SC HOTEL LEON SRL and 1training tutor.

Upon return from the mobility, the participants will disseminate the information and knowledge gained to their colleagues, students and practice partners.

As a result of this project, and in addition to the improved competencies of teachers and economic agents, a guide will be developed and the curricula of the school CDLs for professional qualifications in the domain of Tourism and food service will be revised. All activities will be presented on the school''s website www.colecoarad.ro and on the project''s Facebook page.


Summary of project results

The project in the field of vocational and technical education "Partnership for internships in tourism and food" , 2021-EY-PCVET-0023 funded by EEA Grants 2014 - 2021 from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway was designed to improve the organization and evaluation of internships for students at the Economic College Arad. The training of vocational and technical education students takes place both at school under the guidance of teachers and at economic agents under the guidance of internship tutors. Over the years, the Economic College of Arad has encountered difficulties in finding internship partners, as most of them are small economic units with limited capacity to take on and train students according to the school curriculum and the Vocational Training Standard. The main objective of the project was to learn from the host institution and the Portuguese schools'' partner companies how to improve learning through work experience and how to better match the skills acquired by our graduates with the requirements of the labour market. The project was carried out in collaboration with SC Hotel Leon SRL, as an internship partner.

The project aimed at organising a study visit to the EPE Escola Profissional de Esposende, whose mission is to train and qualify young people professionally, focusing on "knowing", "knowing how to do" and "knowing how to be" and aiming, by the nature of vocational schools, at preparing them for insertion into professional life as well as for further studies. During November 2022, a total of 10 people participated in the mobility (6 teachers who teach specialist subjects in the qualifications at the Economic College of Arad, 1 English teacher, the college director, the director of SC HOTEL LEON SRL and 1 employee who is in charge of coordinating and assessing students during the practical training), organised in two streams. During the 5 days the participants visited the vocational school and the three practical units with which it collaborates: Hotel Apulia, Restaurants Os Mouros and Quinte de Satna Comba. Theyhad discussions with teachers, students, school management and economic agents about the organisation of the students'' practical training.On their return from the mobility the participants disseminated the information and knowledge they had acquired among colleagues, students and practice partners.

As tangible and intangible results of this project, in addition to the improved competences of teachers and economic agents, a "Guide for the organization and evaluation of practical training in the Economic College of Arad" was produced and 6 curricula of the CDLs of the vocational school classes, the qualifications in the field of Tourism and Catering (Cook and Waiter) were revised in accordance with the Vocational Training Standard and a partnership agreement with SC Hotel Leon SRL was made within the project in accordance with EQVET specifications. The products produced are necessary for better organization of the practical work of the students at economic agents and will help to increase the quality of the internship by focusing on the knowledge, attitudes and skills acquired by the students.In the guide, the framework plans, school programmes, SPP, the responsibilities of the trainee teacher, the economic agent, the student and the parent are mentioned, the tutor and his/her role are described, as well as the organisation of the traineeship at the vocational school in Esposende, Portugal. The work includes appendices which supplement the text and provide concrete examples of documents needed for the organisation, conduct and evaluation of the students'' work placement. The materials, available in electronic and printed format, are currently being used by teachers who have a combined practice in classes IX, X and XI vocational education, as well as by those who will teach in the future. An improvement in student practice activity has been observed. All activities are posted on the project website https://parteneriatpregatirepractica.wordpress.com and on the project''s facebook page.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.