2021-EY-PCVET-0015 Teachers learn from the teachers

Project facts

Project promoter:
Liceul Tehnologic de Industrie Alimentară ""George Emil Palade""(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
SC Backerei Fastus SRL(RO)


The practical activities of the pupils, specialist in the domain of Bakery-Pastry and Flour Products is released at multiply economic agents within specialized domain. As manufacturing technology advances at an accelerated pace, not only manufacturing equipment but also manufacturing recipes are much more complex which aligns with market requirements. In this context, the practical skills of the pupils for the labor market must be optimized according to new technologies,automatic manufacturing lines, machinery, manufacturing recipes. Our goal is for our high school pupils to cope with this "competition" to learn according to the latest professional standards used in the European Union, in a pupil-centered climate. Which we can only realize with the renewal of our collaboration agreements, CDL procedures for internships, guidelines for practice mentors following the model of the project partner educational institution. The study visit will be attended by 9 teachers engineers and foremen in the food industry, 1 legal representative of the Technological High School of Food Industry "George Emil Palade" and an English teacher. 2 representatives from the economic agent.  The results are the reloading of inter-institutional documents, the insertion of students in the studied field on the labor market, the improvement of activities within the framework or the implementation of the economic agent. The model of the technological high school should be followed by other technical schools in the field. Decreasing the marginalization of technological high schools that train mostly skilled workers for society and in smaller numbers but not negligible expert engineers in the field. Among the long-term benefits can be listed future generations of graduates of vocational and technical education.


Summary of project results

The school opted for this project because  considered it necessary to improve the quality, relevance of education, but also the training of both students and teachers and master instructors, representatives of economic agents, the professional development of teaching staff, as well as the training better relations of cooperation and strengthening of partnerships between education and the labor market. The school staff believe that this project was a challenge for teachers, students, economic agents considering the difficulties encountered by the school and the partner company  in organizing the students'' internships, which consist of: the lack of a school workshop for the training of initial skills in students; old school textbooks that no longer present the technological reality in businesses and that are too few in number compared to the number of students who have to study them; lack of infrastructure for commuter students; mandatory medical tests for students who work in the food industry, which are fully borne by parents; work equipment for OSH insurance is also bought by parents; the practice partner faces a lack of qualified staff and wants high-performance professional education for future employees; the practice partner is forced to find a balance between consumer demand and school curriculum demand.

By participating in this project, the participants carried out the following activities:

Completion of the participant selection procedure

Selection of study visit participants

Preliminary study on the identification of problems in practical classes, identification of needs through brainstorming

Realization and application  of the initial tests to measure the students'' skills in practice,

Preliminary preparations for organizing the study visit

Carrying out the study visit. The study visit took place as planned at Kisaföldi ASzC Szent István Mezőgazdasági és Élélmiszeripari Technikum és Szakképző Iskola in Székesfehérvár, Hungary during 02-08.10.2022. 9 teachers and 2 economic agents participated.

Realization of the project products

Dissemination of the project results.

The project results are:   continuous professional training among technical teaching staff; the development of technical and digital skills among students following professional education in the field of the food industry; creation of 3 innovative CDLs for the "Baker-pastry-preparator of flour products" qualification; 1 Memorandum of understanding for the 10th class of vocational education for the professional qualification "Baker-pastry-preparator of flour products"; 1 "Internship guide for students with special needs and who have difficulty integrating into the labor market"; 1 Equipment purchased for training students in the school workshop, namely a dough turning machine used to train students'' technical skills before entering the production department. The results of the project with a professional impact on the partner institutions - the school and the ecompany- are realized at the level of human resources through a better trained teaching staff, with improved experience and a European vision, through a management oriented and adapted to the needs of the national labor market and European, through an active and permanent adaptation of the economic agent''s activity towards the training needs of the students it trains. The promoting school has accumulated relevant experience in the implementation of professional European projects, which brings an open vision and a motivation to implement other projects. Also the certainty that the students who have benefited from the resources and results of the project will be successful in finding a job much faster or will have a more solid vision and principles in choosing a job in line with the professional acquisitions acquired in the school.The educational unit is found among the renowned schools that carry out a wide and valuable activity with benefits for the institution and the learners. The application of the intellectual products CDLs, the Memorandum and the Internship Guide, is proof of the professional quality of the school''s teachers, a fact that is a guarantee for providing good professional training for the new students who will complete professional education at the unit Our.And in the long term, we predict that school dropouts will be reduced, as secondary school students will be oriented towards choosing this qualification; and as preparation for school competitions, students will be better prepared professionally.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.