Strengthening and involving civil society in the formulation of national and regional forest policies

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association “Living green”(LT)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Šimoniai Forest Community(LT)
Vokė Community(LT)

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At present, the problem with preparing forest policy documents of national and regional importance is that civil society does not have sufficient knowledge to be involved in these processes and to represent ecological and social interests. Through this project, we aim to strengthen the capacity of civil society to participate in public policy and to bring together a network of communities, NGOs and experts on forest issues. In response to the potential long-term damage to the ecological condition of forests and its social benefits, we aim to use more effective publicity, legal advice, etc. measures to enable the interested society to fully participate in the forest policy-making processes and to submit proposals for the amendment of laws. The mobilization and involvement of stakeholders in the forest policy-making process would have a positive impact on the long-term ecological and social strategy of forest policy, making it more likely to ensure nature protection and social interest in main national and regional forest planning documents.

Summary of project results

In the context of a 20-year-long national forestry documents being developed at the time of the project, there was a risk that the process would not include all local stakeholders and the community because local communities lacked capacity and expertise to be involved and develop clear and professional proposals. Thus, the project aimed at a) ensuring representation of social and ecology interests in the national forest policy by involving as many as possible different stakeholder groups to the cooperation process during the development of the national forest strategy; b) strengthening  the capacity of civil society to participate in decision making, propose evidence-based and professional proposals regarding regional forest policy and to ensure legal aid and consultations in the process.

cooperation network was created which connected more than 60 representatives of various organizations and communities on the topic. Four written proposals  were submitted to the responsible institutions, two information - digital tools were created for citizens, a press conference and a forum on Šimoniai forest were organized. Advocacy training was provided, legal consultations for communities and legal assistance in participating in legal processes; forest issues and proposals to forest policy were made public, press releases were prepared, meetings were organized with all fractions of the Parliament; a meeting was held with representatives of the Ministry of Environment.

Because of the project, was possible to represent social and ecological interests in the national forest agreement more widely by involving more than 15 different interested parties in the process, and common positions and proposals were refined and presented. It was possible to strengthen the communities abilities to participate in regional forest policy planning processes and decision-making, for which professional legal assistance and consultations were provided, arguments were presented, several harmful forest management projects were stopped, suspended changes to the "description of green spaces management", and proposals were prepared to be transferred to the forest law.

During the project, a more active participation of the communities in the forest planning process was achieved, and a cooperation network was assembled, which in the future can be secured to pursue a forest policy that meets the common interests of society.


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