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Lithuania leads in the EU in terms of the largest number of convicts per 100.000 inhabitants – 254, which is about 2.5 times the EU average. According to the Ministry of Justice, 62 percent of it is currently repeated by persons serving the sentence. Researchers studying the important factors for the successful integration of convicts into society agree that convicts’ relationship with relatives is one of the most important factors in preparing for release and deterring criminal behavior. The families and relatives of the convicts suffer from the consequences of imprisonment. They face a psychological and emotional burden, a crisis in family relationships, financial difficulties, and a stigmatizing attitude of society. That''s why it is very important that they can get help in their environment, which is why we see the need to sensibilize and inform communities by building a help network, and training professionals to work with this vulnerable group. The project aims at getting to know the hitherto „undiscovered“ group of vulnerable people – the relatives of convicts. To reach this goal we will use participatory advocacy techniques and awareness–raising, in order to better understand this group and its needs, promote their recognition and provide new services that respond to those needs. Results: • Creation of an information platform for the relatives of convicts. • Provision of targeted assistance to the relatives of convicts in response to their needs and seeking empowerment (180 persons) • 21 regional communities will be informed, mobilized, activated and involved. • 3 self–help groups of convicted relatives with assistance will be initiated (18 relatives). • Development of methodological guidelines for work with the relatives of convicts and training for working professionals (about 80 specialists). • Capacity building and networking of the project implementation team (2 international trainings; NGO good practice and information sharing meeting).
Summary of project results
The direct beneficiaries of the project are family members of prisoners. Family members of prisoners, especially children, often face psychological and emotional stress (shock, fear, loss, guilt, uncertainty, etc.), a crisis in family relationships (often families break up, family breakdown, children, contact with the convicted person is interrupted, etc.), financial difficulties (loss of breadwinners or having to send (e.g. they have to pay their own support to the convicted person), and stigmatising attitude of society, which pushes them into isolation/separation. For these reasons, families of prisoners are also in need of social services developed to meet their unique needs which would mitigate the consequences of imprisonment to the family members. Until now there have been no services aimed at the needs of these families in Lithuania.
The project stands out as innovative in Lithuania because this has been the first attempt to start providing social services aimed at the unique needs of the families of prisoners in Lithuania. The project aimed not only to develop services for the families pf prisoners, but also to sensitize community at large (by organizing open events about realities that families of prisoners face) and to train other professionals in Lithuania so that they have more practical knowledge when they encounter families of prisoners in their working environment.
The following are the results of the project:
1. Creation of an information platform for the relatives of convicts -
2. A new service has been developed – the provision of targeted assistance to the relatives of convicts in response to their needs and seeking empowerment (188 persons).
3. 22 regional communities have been informed, mobilized, activated and involved. 332 participants attended the meetings.
4. Three remote seminars were held for relatives of prisoners on reacting to change, adapting to loss, ways of maintaining interpersonal relationships, stress, its impact on physical and mental health and ways of coping. (42 people).
5. 4 family days have been organised in two prisons. The meetings were attended by 38 people.
6. Development of methodological guidelines for work with the relatives of convicts and training for working professionals (130 specialists).
7. Capacity building and networking of the project implementation team (2 international trainings; NGO good practice and information sharing meeting).
Targeted assistance was provided to the relatives of prisoners. Some cases were long-term and continuous. Counselling, information, mediation, representation and escort services were provided. The focus was on meeting the emotional support needs of relatives of convicted persons. Often these needs re-emerge in preparation for the return of the relative after the imprisonment. Much attention has been paid to how to talk to children about the imprisonment of a parent. Activated and mobilised communities. Live meetings were held with 22 communities, involving a total of 332 people, in different parts of Lithuania. They introduced the socially vulnerable group of prisoners'' relatives. They shared their experiences and difficulties when they are as if guilty without guilt. Discussions were held, knowledge and sensitivity were broadened, people were invited to recognise these people in their environment, and they were encouraged to help them in the community or to refer them to project promoter if necessary. New methods tested and methodological guidelines developed for professionals. To get to know the relatives of prisoners as a socially vulnerable group and to provide, project promoter has discovered and developed a set of working principles, which they call the Collaborative Assistance Delivery Model.