Let''s light the spark for inclusion together!

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association Green Istria(HR)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
University of Akureyri(IS)
Other Project Partners
Association of parents of children with disabilities "Vukovar Buterflies"(HR)
Association of persons with psysicaldisability of southern Istria(HR)
Association of Women Vukovar(HR)
Pula Gymnasium(HR)
School for Training and Education - Pula(HR)


Let''s light the spark for inclusion together! (LSIT) deals with the social exclusion of children with disabilities/their parents and persons with disabilities from activities in social gardens and socio-political life in Pula and Vukovar. Other citizens and CSO''s are also excluded from the decision-making process. The result is unjust communities with no systematic support for the vulnerable where prejudice prevails. The main goal of the project is to attain a long-term improvement of quality of life, achieve equality and inclusion of the vulnerable and enable civic participation in Pula and Vukovar. To achieve it, it is necessary to advocate it through a public campaign (SC1) – the development of guidelines for inclusive and participatory decision-making and a documentary for the promotion of guidelines which will premiere at the panel discussions with key figures from the two cities present. It is necessary to show that what we are advocating is possible - to carry out inclusion and participation in the gardens and communities in Pula and Vukovar (SC 2), through a program of garden design - a base for a new method for inclusive and participatory planning of social gardens and its application in practice, volunteer actions and inclusive gardening workshops. All partners contribute to the goals and the promotion of key results, especially the method and guidelines which, being based on universal design, suitable for upgrading/reproducing and application to the benefit of other communities, groups and topics, have a strong multiplier effect. LSIT builds active citizens, empowers vulnerable groups and civil society, fosters inclusion and volunteerism and lays the groundwork for participatory democracy  - that is why it deserves to be supported.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.