Step by step towards a sustainable household

Project facts

Project promoter:
Rosa - společnost pro ekologické informace a aktivity, o.p.s.
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 66,775
The project is carried out in:


Maintaining of some households has negative impacts on the environment (wasting of resources, usage of inappropriate matters). This project's target is public – especially households, will define the principles of a sustainable household – sustainable to health of individuals, families, nature. The „EKOAUDIT“ will be a practical tool for evaluation of the household´s sustainable rate – a complex of principles and „measurable“ standards in the ecological household. Within the public education, some experiential events will be realized – e. g. local breakfast, a Real Nappy happening, self-sufficiency workshops, excursions. The professional background will be set up (printed materials, electronic support, eco-consulting, a voice-over DVD, a signed-language DVD as well).

Summary of project results

Step by step to sustainable household is the name of the project that was concentrated on responsible consumption patterns of individuals in households. Promotion of more responsible patterns of buying and consumption, thereby consuming less energy, fewer resources and producing less trash was the idea of the project. Spreading the knowledge of everyday living consequences. During the project period were about 4000 people approached. Various events like happening, festival, markets, workshops and educative courses, exhibitions or discussions were arranged. The topic of these events were: - self-sufficient household (production of cheese, wool processing, compost-recycling container) - eco-child (environment friendly toys, real cloth nappies) - local development - natural garden Public awarness about ecological issues was supported also by printed leaflets, paperback „Guid of ecoconsumer“ and DVD about responsible consumption for deaf people. The web page about responstible consmption was updated and also the new web page about testing houshold consumption and its impact on environment was created Very important was also cooperation and meetings with other nongovernmental organisation and sharing knowledge.

Summary of bilateral results