TRUST - Responsible youth for safe and fair universities

Project facts

Project promoter:
Center for Curricular Development and Gender Studies:FILIA(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
National Alliance of Student Organizations in Romania(RO)

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Sexual harassment and discrimination in the university environment are poorly researched and regulated. The universities fail to impose clear solutions for victims through codes of ethics or to concretely define sexual harassment acts (only 4.5% of universities have clear procedures for combating sexual harassment).

Within the project there will be monitored the notifications and solutions of cases of sexual harassment and discrimination in the university environment, there will be analyzed the codes of ethics and solutions proposed to victims and there will be issued a series of recommendations. The results will be disseminated towards relevant institutions and on social media, to general public. The University of Pitesti will organize meetings and consultations with 120 students, 38 teachers and 7 members in the Ethics Commission for the elaboration of an anti-discrimination and sexual harassment university policy which will be adopted by the University''s Senate.

480 high school students from 12 high schools (3 counties) will benefit of information /awareness raising actions on sexual harassment. At the university level, there will strengthen 2 initiative groups that will implement with the project promoter support an advocacy plan for a safe, non-discriminatory academic environment in their universities.

The partner ANOSR we will contribute to the development of a network of students to promote gender equality and non-discrimination safe university environment.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.