Reviving Residuals

Project facts

Project promoter:
Paleti Bulgaria Ltd.(BG)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


Paleti Bulgaria Ltd. is a start-up company established in March 2019. It is located in Razdelna village, close to city of Varna. The main activity of the company is production, processing, storage and sale of pallets, grills and other transport packages made of wood. Paleti Bulgaria Ltd. has contract with the State Enterprise "Prison Affairs Fund" - Varna, for provision of jobs for the prisoners with a light regime of serving the sentence. Normally, between 8 to 15 people are involved in the production of the pallets.

The current project will allow the company to purchase a technological line for production of compressed (molded) blocks for pallets of sawdust and / or waste wood. Paleti Bulgaria Ltd. envisages to reuse its own residuals as well as residuals from sawmills, the furniture industry, second-hand pallets, and etc.

The investment to be made under the project will enable the company to increase its competitiveness through introduction of a new production process of eco-friendly compressed pallet blocks. It is also expected that current project will contribute to the annual reduction of waste from production and operational processes – with app. 6 tons per year through re-use of the wood waste.

Summary of project results

"PALETTI BULGARIA" Ltd. is a start-up company that produces custom-made pallets and transport packaging from wood. In its production the company has faced numerous challenges with supply chains, timber scarcity, and unstable raw material prices in Bulgaria and Europe. In order to address these challenges, the company decided to introduce a technology for production of pressed wooden pallet logs made entirely from wood chips from residual materials and wood waste. Due to that Paleti Bulgaria Ltd wanted to reuse all leftover and old pallets, as well as any wood scraps and waste.

As a result of this project, Paleti Bulgaria Ltd. acquired a new  technological line for production of pressed wooden blocks for pallet. 

So, the company upgraded and adopted the technology to make pressed wooden logs for pallets from wood chips of residual and waste materials. This production of pressed wooden logs for pallets is the first such technology line in Bulgaria.


Thanks to the grant from Innovation Norway, we expect to realize additional financial impact for the company. Also to acquire knowledge that will give us a leading position in the Bulgarian market in the production of similar products.

In the spirit of bold dreams, in the long term, we have set ourselves the goal to become the first manufacturer of pressed wooden logs certified under EPAL system and to supply Bulgarian and European pallet manufacturers with a high-quality product of exceptional quality.

With the implementation of the Reviving Residuals project, we will use 30% less raw timber in the production of the product. We are extremely pleased that with the implementation of this new production line, we will continue to enable prisoners to carry out work, acquire knowledge, and in some way contribute to their future integration

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.