The goal of the project is to provide practical information about the Heritage Fruit Tree varieties. This information is scattered throughout old pomology textbooks and as a raw data in archives at the time. The main outlet of the project is the gathering of information in publicly accessible sources. The effect of the project is a cost-effective use of funds to implement projects in future. The revival of the heritage varieties will be achieved through the recovery of knowledge about their properties. New working network consisting of expert consultants, regional representatives, web database of selected varieties, national database of gene pool areas, rescue assortments of heritage varieties, methodology to support biodiversity in orchards, internet library of pomology will arise as a part of the project as well as expert seminars will be held. Growers, fruit workers, food producers, designers, builders, donors and evaluators of projects as well as controlling authorities may all make a good use of the information.
Summary of project results
During constantly rising interest in old fruit varieties, still was evident more poignant lack of accurate informations about the characteristics of the particular fruit varieties and the overall issue of grass plantings in the landscape. Unavailability of necessary information was leading to planting failures, to incorect opinions on the proper use of particular old fruit varieties. Individual groups in the Czech Republic were working in isolation with little or no exchange of experiences and planting material. The main objective of this project was to contribute to rescue the old fruit varieties. For this have served the following outputs: The national working group for the rescue of old fruit varieties - Its members were actively searched for and cooperated in project which means that those od origininally isolated expert groups were brought to team. We have made special webpages, where now is available internet selection database of old fruit varieties, the national database of gene-pool areas, second completely revised edition of rescue categories of old fruit trees varieties (more than 800 varieties). There are also available 24 titles of old pomological books beginning from the 19th century for download in pdf format. Visitor can also download relevant methodological materials Czech Union for Nature Conservation. We have organised four seminars for 193 representatives from the target groups. The project significantly enhanced the possibilities for saving old varieties in the Czech Republic and laid a solid foundation for further activities of Czech Union for Nature Conservation.
Summary of bilateral results