Stimulating innovative and entrepreneurial attitudes for performing arts in higher education TM 2023 1st edition

Bilateral initiative facts

West University of Timișoara(RO)
Bilateral initiative number:
Initial cost:
Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
Workshop or seminar
Sonning Music Performance(NO)
Programme areas:


Main objective: to strengthen bilateral cooperation between the two entities in the field of artistic education and cultural entrepreneurship through the exchange of best practices.

Secondary objectives: facilitating the exchange of good practices and experience in the field of cultural entrepreneurship, creation of models of interdisciplinary cooperation in the fields of arts, music, business and public sectors (topics regarding  the importance of entrepreneurship in the cultural, artistic and musical area, the connection between business, art and culture and the impact of digitization on the

Summary of the results

Both the general and secondary objectives of the bilateral initiative were achieved and the activities were concluded.

The general objective:  strengthening bilateral cooperation between public and private entities and authorities from Romania and Norway, in the field of education and cultural-artistic entrepreneurship, through the exchange of best practices and know-how between international experts, representatives of the regional and local business environment, the university environment and of the public administration, within a series of workshops held in the context of Timisoara, the European Capital of Culture 2023.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.