Restoration of the network of wetlands and grasslands important for Natura 2000 and other protected species and habitat types in the Karst Biosphere Reserve and the Reka River Basin and the Seasonal Lakes of Pivka Nature Park

Project facts

Project promoter:
Škocjan Caves Public Service Agency(SI)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA)(NO)
Other Project Partners
Municipality of Pivka(SI)
University of Ljubljana
Veterinary faculty(SI)
University of Primorska(SI)

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Restoration of wetland &grassland ecosystems important for Natura 2000(N2k) species and habitat types(HT) will be carried out in the Karst & Reka River Basin Biosphere Reserve(MAB KPR) & the Seasonal Lakes of Pivka Nature Park(KP PPJ).
MAB KPR encompasses a unique network of ecosystems with great geological diversity & biodiversity& a rich heritage. It contains 10N2k, natural values(NV) & 5 ecologically important sites (EPO), UNESCO and Ramsar site. KP PPJ borders with MAB KPR in the municipality of Pivka & comprises a protected area of intermittent lakes, 2 N2k, 3 EPO & 117 NV. The areas between N2k &other nature conservation areas are extremely important from the point of ensuring the connectivity, integrity & overall coherence of the N2k network.
Biodiversity &nature protection plays a crucial role in the fight against climate change(CC). Healthy &resilient ecosystems have a  greater ability to mitigate CC. Wetlands are the world’s most efficient carbon sinking habitats per unit area. Active storage, binding of CO2 in soil and biomass, reduction of emissions are also characteristic for meadows (EU,2010; BF,2019). CC has become the biggest threat to natural heritage sites in the last 10 years(IUCN,2020) and ecosystems in MAB KPR & KP PPJ are not an exception. Less precipitation, higher temperatures &evaporation (Ogrin,2014; ARSO,2020) lead to greater drought & fire risks in meadows &wetlands. Extreme weather events such as storms cause erosion, soil & vegetation damage. CC exacerbates other pressures: invasive species, overgrowth, deterioration due to non-management.
Dry karst grasslands are among the most diverse HT in Slovenia. Meadow orchards are key habitat structures for birds & bats (LIFENATURAVIVA, 2020). Goršak (2010) recorded more than 3000 animal species there. Wetlands such as karst ponds &other small water reservoirs have provided water supplies in the past, but have a nature conservation role nowadays. 

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