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The aim of the project is to increase solar energy production, strengthen the capacity to manage and promote the use of renewable energy sources and to install photovoltaic powerplants on five public building in municipality of Andrijasevci, on five public buildings in municipality Stari Jankovci and on a kindergarten in municipality in Privlaka. By way of project activities municipalities will introduce new practices of energy management, promote sustainable development concept, hold two workshops on clean energy and sustainable economy in order to encourage local people and entrepreneurs to individual investments in RES projects, and thus contribute to the development of low carbon society. The project contributes to reducing CO2 emissions and increasing security of supply. Active involvement of local self-governments and resource management in local areas has key preconditions for implementation of the transition to clean energy, which will greatly contribute to local development, economic recovery and increase of competitiveness, as well as to energy saving and increase of the RES share in total energy consumption in Vukovar-Srijem County.
Summary of project results
The goal of the project was to increase the production of solar energy, strengthen the management capacity and promote the use of renewable energy sources (RES) and install photovoltaic power plants on 11 public buildings in three municipalities (Andrijaševci, Stari Jankovci and Privlaka) from the Vukovar-Srijem County (VSŽ ). Through the project activities, the municipalities aimed to introduce new energy management practices, encourage the concept of sustainable development, encouraged local residents and entrepreneurs to invest in RES projects and thus contributed to the development of a low-carbon society. In addition to the above, the project contributed to the reduction of CO2 emissions and increased security of electricity supply. In a long-term sense, the project contributed to lower imports of electricity and fossil fuels, as well as to a reduction in overall greenhouse gas emissions in VSŽ and increased security of supply. It also led to the creation of a favorable climate for more investments in renewable energy sources. Also it increased usage of domestic services and equipment which ultimately means the development of local industry and an increase in employment. This ensures the economic stability of prices, which significantly affects the standard of citizens and the reduction of energy costs, which results in an increase in their standard of living. The project contributed to a wider use of own natural energy resources, reducing dependence on energy imports and efficient use and reducing the impact of fossil fuel use on the environment, as well as improving the health and well-being of the local population. Also, the project has an impact on the budgets of the municipalities participating in the project, because it will reduce energy costs, i.e. the funds earmarked for these costs will be able to be diverted to other activities that will contribute to a better quality of life in the area of these municipalities.
Within the project, three trainings/workshops were held on raising awareness and disseminating information about the efficiency of energy production from renewable energy sources for municipal employees, local residents and entrepreneurs. At the workshops, participants received information about the possibilities of using renewable energy sources, the benefits of renewable energy sources, and how to start a project of using renewable energy sources themselves. Likewise, Open Days were held in the Municipality of Andrijaševci, the Municipality of Stari Jankovci and the Municipality of Privlaka, where visitors were able to learn more about the possibilities, financing and installation of solar power plants. Through the project, 11 integrated photovoltaic power plants for the production of solar energy were installed, of which 5 integrated photovoltaic power plants were installed on buildings owned by the Municipality of Andrijaševci (Braniteljska uduruga Šparoga - 19kW, Nogometni klub Frankopan - 20 kW, Zgrada Općine - 12kW, Zgrada Stare škole- 20 kW, Zajednica športskih udruga - 12 kW), 5 photovoltaic power plants on buildings owned by the Municipality Jankovci (Kindergarten Krijesnica - 10 kW, Nogometni klub Vidor Club - 6 kW, Šprtsko društvo Croatia - 10 kW, Upravna zgrada općine 15 kW, Eko Jankovci ¸12 kW) and 1 photovoltaic power plant on the kindergarten building in Privlaka Municipality 15 kW.
All communication activities were carried out as planned. The most significant are promotional flyers, banners, posters, web site and Manual for RES.
By building 11 photovoltaic power plants, the municipalities showed how public administration and self-government, households and entrepreneurs can produce electricity from renewable energy sources. In addition to the above, through pilot projects, workshops and Open days, the target groups were introduced with all the benefits of electricity production from renewable sources, as well as how to design their own projects and realize them. They were presented with concrete data on the reduction of CO2 emissions, the reduction of energy costs, the increase of independence in the supply of electricity.
In conclusion, by producing electricity from 11 photovoltaic power plants, the municipalities contributed to reducing CO2 emissions, reducing electricity costs, and increased independence in electricity supply. As a result municipalities have contributed to the development of a low-carbon society, started the path of transition to clean energy and consequently raised the awareness of the target groups about the need to use renewable energy sources in order to preserve the environment for generations to come.