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The project will promote the transformation of the Pieriga Partnership as an NGO cooperation platform by developing the NGO Info Point and laying the foundations for the recognition of the NGO Info Point.
The experts will make analysis of the previous acitivies of the NGO Info Point and make the focus on the development of meaningful activities. The strategic action plan will be created. The project will launch the action plan in life, carrying out tasks based on the needs of the members, setting up focus groups and identifying their needs for the targeted development of the NGO Info Point as the strong and powerful NGO network. The project will lay the foundations for cooperation between members (NGO organisations) in the form of regular internal communication and the activation of members'' representatives, thereby strengthening their sense of belonging to the Pieriga Partnership, and increasing the opportunity to develop and contribute to the growth of the NGO sector.
Increasing added value will lead to the transfer of Iceland''s experience in managing various areas of interest, representing their needs and defending them at European level to the NGO Info Point of the Pieriga Partnership. The regular and individual internal communication with NGO representatives - the members - will be ensured. Regularly ensured communication with the society will rise awareness of the NGO Info Point in society. It will lift up the reputation and impact of the Pieriga Partnership.
Summary of project results
Evaluating the strategy and activities of the previous period (2018-2020) revealed that members'' interest in participating in the organization was primarily linked to LEADER funding, as the organization administered this funding. To transform from a mere LEADER project administrator to a sector representative in the territory, the organization needed to find new ways to encourage NGO representatives'' involvement, thereby promoting civic activity in the regions. The evaluation of the NGO Info Point identified several key issues:
- Lack of Communication:
- There had been no communication with the public about the NGO Info Point, its activities, and the services and opportunities it offered. As a result, no added value had been created for NGO representatives to become members of the organization since the services provided were equally available to all NGOs in the territory.
- Only General Information about NGOs:
- The organization had only compiled and updated general information about active NGOs in the territory and their fields of activity. The NGO Info Point functioned as a database maintainer, without offering special services tailored to the needs of member organizations. Existing services were accessible to all and catered to a diverse audience including entrepreneurs, NGO representatives, and residents.
- Lack of Engagement:
- There had been no connection or individual communication with the member NGOs, nor a focused approach to understanding and supporting their interests. The organization had not been an active advocate for NGO interests.
Strategic Transformation Needs
To elevate the NGO Info Point to a higher level of operation, several steps were necessary:
- Assess Current Activities:
- It was necessary to evaluate the current activities of the NGO Info Point (both qualitative and quantitative indicators) to understand what was relevant and what was superfluous, reducing the diversity of services. This would lessen the operational burden and allow targeted focus on relevant tasks and sustainability.
- Establish Focus Groups:
- It was necessary to form focus groups by identifying member organizations and their active participants. Currently, the territory''s NGOs were divided into 14 sectors, but not all were represented as members. Prioritize communication with and support for the most relevant and represented sectors within the organization.
- Emphasize Membership Benefits:
- It was vital to highlight the advantages of being a member of the organization. Currently, services were available equally to all, making them general and comprehensive. To shift from a "database maintainer" to an "advocate for NGO interests," it was necessary to facilitate inter-member communication about their activities and needs.
- Increase Visibility:
- It was important to enhance the visibility of the NGO Info Point in the community. Currently, few people were aware of its existence and the services it offered, including local government representatives. Promoting the NGO Info Point would strengthen the public''s perception of its role in advocating for NGO interests and enhance the organization''s reputation as a strong advocate for its members.
- Create a Strategic Plan:
- It was needed to develop a strategic plan for the NGO Info Point, outlining actions for future operations. This plan should include establishing regular and targeted (direct) internal communication with member organizations, providing regular information to the public about the NGO Info Point''s activities, and transferring best practices from experts to evaluate quality and identify new opportunities.
By implementing these steps, the organization aimed to transform the NGO Info Point into a dynamic and influential entity, effectively advocating for NGO interests and fostering greater civic engagement in the region.
Development of the NGO Info Point Action Plan
An evaluation of the current activities of the NGO Info Point was conducted, identifying priorities. Twenty interviews with member organizations were completed to understand their needs and involvement. Additionally, an online survey was conducted to assess the NGO Info Point''s performance. Five thematic focus groups were held online via ZOOM. These sessions included discussions with organizational leaders to understand sector needs and generate new ideas. The action plan was completed in December 2022. An online presentation of the plan was held on January 23, 2023, with feedback invited from participants.
Enhancement and Strengthening of the Pieriga Partnership NGO Info Point
The NGO database for Marupe and Olaine region was updated, containing information on 510 out of 662 organizations in the partnership territory. The NGO section on the Pieriga Partnership website was updated with new visuals and database information. A video about the NGO Info Point’s activities was created, providing an overview of its functions and featuring members sharing their experiences ( and a brochure about the NGO Info Point’s activities was developed, with 300 copies printed. These brochures were distributed in large-scale public events. A small-scale communication campaign was launched to encourage public participation in NGOs, motivating individuals to be active and share their contributions. This campaign included calls for interviews, creation, and dissemination of interviews to inspire others to get involved. Three focus groups were established with identified leaders on communities, culture, sports, education, youth and environmental issues. The organization continued to represent member interests in various consultative boards in Marupe, focusing on education, youth, sports, active leisure, entrepreneurship, tourism, and cultural environment. Member organisations received regular information, e.g, weekly informative messages were sent to member organizations via WhatsApp, and newsletters were distributed via Mailchimp. Regular updates were also shared with the public through social media, the website, and local media.
Experience Transfer for Ensuring a Cooperative Network
Project involved meaningful collaboration with the Icelandic partner Landsbyggðin lifi. Icelandic partners shared tools for civic engagement and sustainable development, leading to potential projects on responsible living and material reuse. During exchange visit Iceland partners were introduced to various NGO activities in Latvia. Discussions with partnerorganisation helped members understand the importance of NGO work and the role of the NGO Info Point as a support and communication channel.
The project achieved its primary goal by enhancing the activities of the NGO Info Point of the "Pieriga partnership" and strengthening its members through networking and collaboration opportunities.
1. The perception of "Pieriga partnership" solely as an administrator of LEADER funding was changed. Through internal and external communication efforts, the public was ensured to recognize the NGO Info Point, its added value, and activities. Thus, a perception was formed of "Pieriga partnership" as a platform advocating for NGO interests.
2. By ensuring quality and regular internal communication with its members - NGO representatives - a sense of belonging and mutual collaboration among member organizations within "Pieriga partnership" was promoted. The image of "Pieriga partnership" as a leading and strong partner, which was part of its own member organizations'' and territory''s development, was strengthened.
3. A strong NGO network with specific mechanisms for advocacy of their interests was established. The most active NGO representatives were motivated to take on leadership roles, and a process of member engagement was fostered. NGO representatives were encouraged and empowered to advocate for their interests not only at the municipal level but also nationally and at the European level in the long term.
4. The quality of services provided by "Pieriga partnership" was enhanced (eliminating the principle of "one size fits all"), and its image as a support point for NGOs/community organizations was strengthened - a place to find each other, cooperate, and promote growth.
5. The project''s implementation significantly enhanced the flow of information and support for NGOs, ensuring regular communication through social media, newsletters, and WhatsApp groups. The establishment of a targeted mailing list for NGO representatives will continue post-project, ensuring ongoing engagement and interest in the activities of "Pieriga partnership" and its NGO Info Point.
6. Awareness and improvement in the actions of the organization were strengthened, providing encouragement by transferring best practices to enable member organizations to operate more extensively beyond their territories, nationally, and internationally, inspiring other organizations to participate more actively in strengthening civil society.
7. The Icelandic approach to building an inclusive and equal society was adopted, incorporating best practices to ensure broad participation and openness in events. A deeper understanding of the partner organization Landsbyggðin Lifi''s principles and impact areas was gained.
Thus, "Pieriga partnership" has became an active, capable platform for civil organizations in the region, promoting the development and role of the NGO sector in the long term in Marupe and Olaine districts.
Summary of bilateral results
The partnership was initiated to receive recommendations for advocating organisation interests at national and EU levels. Through close collaboration and intensive time spent together, many similarities in organizational activities and needs were identified. The Icelandic approach to building an inclusive and equal society was also adopted, incorporating best practices to ensure broad participation and openness in events.