Luludi Shukar - development of access to cultural expression of the Roma minority from Banat through Romanian-Norwegian cooperation

Project facts

Project promoter:
Urban Regeneration Resource Centre Association(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Other Project Partners

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The project aims to empower the Roma minority in the western area by strengthening the cultural identity of this minority. In this sense, the project will address the problems of inequitable access to cultural resources and the degradation of cultural infrastructure in rural areas, two issues that limit access to Roma culture in its entirety. With an effervescent development in the post-communist period, Roma culture reached the maturity necessary for the development of contemporary cultural products: written word, documentary film, painting, sculpture, cultural aspects often ignored by the media who prefer to limit Roma culture to folklore, ignoring its maturity. In this sense, the project will develop a support infrastructure for the cultural expression of the Roma minority focused on two levels: human resource development through training activities related to cultural product development and management, development of a dance and theatre troupe activity in which the Norwegian partner will mobilize most of the necessary resources for cultural education by organizing training sessions and exchange visits; development of a physical, mobile infrastructure, consisting of a mobile stage and a mobile cinema. Using this infrastructure, the project will develop a program to present the Roma culture in its entirety that will be presented in 15 cultural events, mostly in rural areas, one of them in Timisoara in 2023 when it will be the European Capital of Culture, attracting over 1500 people.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.