Active citizen - the foundation of a functioning society

Project facts

Project promoter:
Awen Amenca(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


Through the project, we want to increase the participation of the Roma in the processes of planning, managing and monitoring the functioning of the municipality, which concern their lives and the problems of the municipality itself. The systematic change will be to set up a platform through good practice and community organizing and empowerment, whereby Roma will be involved in the planning, management and monitoring processes of the municipalities, and especially in the localities where they live. 
We will support 12 Roma living in localities, in active participation and build their capacities and advocacy skills. We will raise awareness of the functioning of state administration and the principles of democracy in Roma communities and strengthen the trust in institutions and encourage participation in active citizenship. 
The research of FRA in the publication "Working with Roma: Participation and empowerment of local communities", finds that to sustain the engagement of local people, it is essential to build trust with Roma communities and local authorities. 
We want to replicate the proven cooperation between the municipality and Roma community in Ostrava Poruba to other city districts in Ostrava and to make a "manual for further implementation".
The benefit will be on both sides, The municipalities will have a close connection to the Roma community and a better understanding of their needs, but also an opportunity to express the needs of the society as a whole. The Roma community will have the opportunity to work on their problems and participate in a meaningful change.

Summary of project results

Building trust and identifying local "key leaders" who are well connected and trusted in the community. Training leaders so that they are able to organize activities in shorter time frames and engage other people in the community to work together in a participatory way to bring about tangible changes that respond to community needs.

In the first part, the creation of 3 groups of 4 leaders who will be able to actively cooperate with the city councillors in solving problems that concern their locality. 
In the second part of the project, the creation of a platform for cooperation with the city district in three localities of Ostrava (involvement of 12 Roma in the working groups of the councils). The change consists in the fact that all interventions aimed at solving the problems faced by Roma will be effective and will reach Roma living in excluded localities and the councillors will get a mediator and feedback in solving various problems. The Roma will not just be passive recipients of these interventions, but will become partners in the process and will help to better implement the goals of the Roma Integration Strategy. The project promotes active citizenship while increasing trust in institutions and improving mutual cooperation.

The impacts of these activities are significant and bring about positive changes in the areas of civic participation and support for Roma communities, not only at the local level but also nationally. Key impacts are outlined below:

  1. Community leaders'' activation and increased civic participation (Establishing a group of 4 leaders in each of the three locations demonstrates a successful process of activation and development of community leaders; these leaders contribute to the mobilization and organization of additional Roma individuals, leading to increased civic participation within the communities; leaders actively recruit volunteers, strengthening the network of involved individuals within Roma communities.

  2. Involvement of leaders in multidisciplinary teams (the active involvement of 12 leaders in multidisciplinary teams in the districts of Ostrava, participating in processes of integration and participation of Roma communities; teams with involved leaders have the potential to identify and address current problematic situations in the locality more effectively)

  3. Participation at the national level and contribution to desegregation (the active participation of leaders at the national level emphasizes their commitment and ability to influence decision-making processes concerning Roma communities)

  4. Development of a methodology for measuring campaign impacts (the creation of a methodology for measuring campaign impacts provides the organization with a tool for effectively evaluating the success of its activities; this methodology allows flexible adaptation to current events, ensuring that the organization can respond more efficiently to the needs of Roma communities).

Overall, these activities have led to the emergence of strong and engaged community leaders who not only strengthen civic participation within their communities but also actively contribute to the process of desegregation at the national level. This organizational strategy has the potential for a long-term positive impact on the social structure and equality in the Czech Republic.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.