Living (in) Vodňany

Project facts

Project promoter:
Vodňany žijou, z.s.(CZ)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
symbio studio

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The voluntary association LIVING VODŇANY was founded in 2010 with the aim of reviving public life in this South Bohemian town of 7,000 and drawing inhabitants’ interest in the town and its development. Gradually, the activities of the association were limited to organizing Pecha Kucha Nights. The association is now undergoing a generational change. Our vision is to build on the activities carried out in the years 2010 to 2012 and to repeat the mapping of emotions in the town and the participatory reviving of 2 places we consider as crucial places for the socio-cultural development of the town and its tourist potential. During the implementation, we want to rely on a team combined experienced and junior members and establish effective cooperation with the town government.
LIVING (IN) ZÁTIŠÍ - There is a lack of forests in the region (source: Regional plan). We want to facilite the understanding on the part of the local populace of the forest park area (Zátiší) as a forest with all its contexts, not just as a leisure site. We’ll organize walks with experts and involve participants in the search for a future vision of Zátiší. Haiku workshops will take place, from which the Path of Poetry will emerge.  
LIVING (IN THE) CELLARS - Below the town there is a large complex of cellars that are falling into disrepair. We’ll let professionals map the area. We’ll also invite private owners as part of Pecha Kucha Night. School classes will playfully look for other uses of the cellars. An image map will be created from the most voted ideas at the exhibition.
MAP OF (T)OWN EMOTIONS - We will repeat this project with schools and the public (in 2010 more than 2,000 inhabitants were involved). This will create quality and representative data for a new strategic plan for town development.

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