Together with Youth - Jekhetane terne čhavenca

Project facts

Project promoter:
Khamoro o.p.s.(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The low participation of Roma youth in mainstream sources and in the life of civil society has its roots in childhood. As many as 57% of Roma pupils drop out of education (FRA 2016). Only 45% of Roma youth continue in secondary education (ISCED 3). 63% of the population of socially excluded localities have only basic education, often incomplete (Agency for Social Inclusion, 2019). The Czech Republic''s systemic ability to alleviate the disadvantages of Roma children and youth is low. Parents have little motivation to support their children in education and employment. Young people are gradually separating from their families and are at risk of socially pathological phenomena. Approximately 350 inhabitants live in the socially excluded localities of the town of Chodov, of which approximately 45 young people are aged between 18 and 26, and about 150 people live in Nový Sedlo, of which approximately 30 are young people aged 18 to 26. If the problem is not addressed, local young people will be at increased risk of social exclusion and socio-pathological phenomena, remain passive, little involved and do not use their potential and opportunities. The Jekhetane terne čhavenca project (Together with Youth) aims to strengthen the position of young Roma in Czech society. At least 50 participants aged 15-20 living in the excluded localities of Chodov and Nový Sedlo will be involved in various activities aimed at their development, knowledge and ethnoemancipation. Community events, discussions, workshops, excursions and trips to one''s own roots and identity will be held with young people. Young people will be motivated to participate in social opportunities, resources and responsibilities, including active participation in community life in the place where they live.

Summary of project results

We addressed the low level of participation of Romani youth in mainstream resources and in the life of civil society. Young Roma are often inactive and do not live up to their potential. This has a negative impact on the future of entire communities.The implementation of the project was very challenging. Our organization was harshly attacked and disparaged on social networks in the context of political events in the Czech Republic. The communities we''ve been working in for 20 years have turned away from us. At one point, we considered not ending the project prematurely. The situation was so dire that we even considered shutting down all of the organization''s activities. Fortunately, we overcame the crisis, community trust slowly recovered, and over the spring and summer, we gradually reached a meaningful level of cooperation. We were able to involve the expected number of young people.

The aim was to effectively involve young people living in socially excluded localities of Chodov and Nové Sedlo in community life. Increasing the motivation, awareness and competence of at least 50 young people. All activities focused on important topics that concern young people – from the area of prevention (e.g. financial literacy, addiction issues) to the area of inspiration (learning about the stories of successful Romani people, for example, we organized a discussion with a Romani man who won the prestigious Magnesia Litera literary award).

The "core" of youth activation was the establishment and subsequent activities of the Youth Thematic Group. This group learned to identify the needs of local children and youth and participate in meeting these needs. We consider the greatest benefit of the project to be the introduction and maintenance of the activities of the thematic youth group, which has proven itself very well even in difficult times and will be important not only in the field of community work, but also in the planned process of renewing the low-threshold facility for children and youth.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.