Czechia restoratively

Project facts

Project promoter:
Institute for restorative justice(CZ)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
Common Law Society
Mezinárodní vězeňské společenství
Rowan Legal

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The project aims to strengthen the ability of professional groups closely linked to the administration of criminal justice in the Czech Republic to more effectively protect and fulfill human rights, based on the conscious use of restorative principles in their practice.

The project aims to change the perception of the current disciplinary model of criminal justice in the Czech Republic, in which a person becomes the subject of law in their own criminal proceedings, without the possibility of their own participation or meeting their real needs, both on the part of perpetrators and victims.

Modern human rights doctrine and international obligations are putting pressure on the reflection of such a conception of justice. They emphasize the principle of horizontal participation, meeting the needs of individuals, creating a quality relationship by engaging restorative principles in the administration of criminal justice, see: Council of Europe Recommendation on Restorative Justice in Criminal Matters, CM / Rec (2018) 8; EU Directive on Victims of Crime, 2012/29/EU; EU Strategy on Crime Victims (2020-2025) etc.

Based on the elaborated analysis, we will publish recommendations for the Czech legislation, towards a participatory model by involving restorative principles. We will promote the implementation of recommendations by educating the professional public and advocacy activities.

We will also deal intensively with the education of civil society. The activities will aim to inform about the advantages and benefits of restorative justice in the form of screenings, discussions and sharing of good practice, so that society itself requires the use of restorative principles at all stages of criminal proceedings and thus creates pressure with us for the necessary change.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.