Bilateral initiative "Study visit of PARP’s staff to Norway aiming at learning from the Norwegian experience in the field of support mechanisms for entrepreneurs and the business environment"

Bilateral initiative facts

Polish Agency for Enterprise Development(PL)
Bilateral initiative number:
Initial cost:
Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
Capacity building and short-term training
Innovation Norway(NO)

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The main aim of the initiative is to gather good practice and work out strategic directions for repayable financial instruments and other relevant support areas to be offered by PARP in the future.

The initiative takes place on-site in Norway (18, 19 & 20 May 2022) and the draft agenda includes several activities (i.e.):

  • plenary meetings with Innovation Norway experts dealing with financial instruments, green bonds, green platform Cicero,

  • thematic sessions on financing export and international growth, research & development, climate change & environmental technologies, including experts from

Summary of the results

The PARP study visit to Oslo was attended by 16 people, who during 3 days took part in 12 presentations given by 16 speakers from 8 institutions representing the Norwegian entrepreneurship support ecosystem. Thanks to these presentations, discussions and exchange of experiences, the participants got acquainted with a wide range of support instruments, which will allow them to design and implement for example returnable mechanisms (loans, credits, sureties, guarantees, green bonds) and non-returnable (subsidies, grants and programs) for Polish entrepreneurs. Hence among the direct results of this initiative include it is worth mentioning:

  • new knowledge on how financial instruments and programmes for businesses are designed, implemented and assessed,

  • how Norwegian experiences may be exploited by PARP, what may be the benefits and what constraints need to be neutralised.

Also, several direct contacts between Polish participants and Norwegian speakers / IN staff have been established, which may be an asset during the implementation phase of support instruments in PARP.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.