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The aim of the project is to support the Polish migration and asylum management system and to embrace the needs of vulnerable migrants. The components of the project are complementary and create a comprehensive and innovative structure. They strengthen the functioning of the support system for vulnerable migrants (networking/cooperation platform/analysis) and the institutional capacity in the context of work with them (training/workshops/study visits/guidelines) and services of direct support for vulnerable migrants, who are applying for refugee status in PL or are in return proceedings (legal, psychological advice, case management). The project will improve existing solutions, institutional cooperation and will improve of the situation of vulnerable migrants in PL. Partnership Construction consists of: IO (ICMPD), key institution for migration and asylum management (UdsC), NGOs (SIP,PFM) and NO participants (CMI, Police) - ensuring synergy of actions and stability of results.
Summary of project results
The main objective of the project was to support the national migration and asylum management system in terms of taking into account the needs of people with special needs (PSN).
Project Promoter identified in Polish system a need to:
1. Improve the capacity of authorities involved in migration management to monitor and analyse migration processes and policies, with a particular focus on PSNs through analytical work and publications, and meetings and exchange of experience
2. Strengthen the capacity of the main authorities involved in the management of asylum, migration and the fight against trafficking in human beings (Office for Foreigners and Border Guards) in the field of early detection, protection and support of PSNs, and, including victims of trafficking in human beings and unaccompanied minors through a series of trainings, workshops, study visits and networking activities integrating institutions working with PSNs and the development of manuals supporting their work.
3. Establishing/strengthening and developing bilateral and multilateral cooperation between different actors (local, national and international level) in support of PSNs through meetings and study visits
4. Ensure better access to support services for PSNs seeking asylum and in return proceedings and unaccompanied minors in the exercise of their rights by providing legal, psychological and case manager support
- Direct assistance to PSNs - providing legal and psychological support to migrants with special needs (unaccompanied minors, victims of trafficking in human beings, victims of domestic violence) combined with case management. Free assistance will ensure that the needs of the PSN are adequately met.
- Building institutional capacity - in order to take into account the special needs of PSNs in the Polish migration management system, relevant institutions (Border Guard, Office for Foreigners, NGOs) were provided with a number of trainings and workshops, including trainings on human trafficking, LGBTI in the context of asylum and migration, gender-based violence, work with selected PSN groups. Workshops and seminars were conducted by experts from international entities specialising in particular issues.
- Improvement of existing solutions through policy analysis and exchange of good practices – study on providing support to asylum seekers/refugees in need of special care (in Poland and abroad) were conducted. Manual on working with PSNs, working documents related to information on countries of origin, manual on networking were created.
- Establishing a platform for the exchange of knowledge and good practices in the field of PSNs in the context of asylum and migration - a network of social and public organisations working with PSNs will be set up (with particular emphasis on minors unaccompanied) and systemic cooperation between the institutions involved will be strengthened.
All activities within the project were directed towards people with special needs (in Polish migration system) and those who work with PSNs.
During implementation of the project below results were achieved:
- 8 centres for migrants and asylum seekers were supported with additional service of Project Promoter;
- 285 people were trained, that includes: 65 of staff in the area of unaccompanied minors and other vulnerable groups in the asylum system, 179 of staff in the area of trafficking in human beings in the context of asylum and 41 of staff in the area of vulnerable groups in the asylum system;
- 16 meetings with other NGOs were organised, allowing to exchange knowledge and good practice;
- A platform for the exchange of knowledge and good practice in the area of SNPs in the context of asylum and migration was created.
When it comes to documents created within the projects, Project Promoter created and disseminated: manual for the Office for Foreigners, Analysis of good practices in other EU Member States (selected groups of vulnerable migrants, good practices regarding unaccompanied minors in asylum processes) and Manual on “ how to deal with vulnerable migrants in the asylum system”