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The aim of the project is to raise awareness about democracy and civic participation in the Czech Republic. The project responds to the current social reality in the Czech Republic, and wants to contribute to the prevention of populism and democratic backsliding through the activation of civil society organisations and associations of foreigners. The general familiarity of Czech society with civic values and participation is low and insufficient. The aim is to research and apply innovative best practices from key European countries with stable democratic cultures and developed scholar activity and practice concerning the theme. Two target groups of new members of civil society will be mainly addressed - foreigners and youth. Subsequently, a methodological guide will be developed containing new innovative themes, solutions and good practices concerning strengthening democratic education and participation. It will contribute to change and strengthen awareness and interest in public life and cohesion in society. Educational workshops for foreigners and youth will be performed to inform and support them in getting acquainted with democratic principles and civic society. It will emphasise the role of society in the individual lives of youth and foreigners, inform them about the importance of possible civic participation activities, and motivate them to get involved in public life and engagement. Finally, advocacy endeavour strengthening the civil rights of foreigners will be implemented.
Summary of project results
The aim of the project was to raise awareness about democracy and civic participation in the Czech Republic. The activities contributed to improve prevention of populism and democratic backsliding through the creation of new opportunities for civic society organisations and communities of foreigners. The project was focused on the issue of low familiarity of Czech society with civic values and participation opportunities.
The Czech public''s relationship and trust in democracy and the civil sphere are below average. A problem typical of a country with post-socialist development, has multiple roots, such as dependence on the quality of life and generally low familiarity with experience with a functioning and inclusive public space of civil society. Despite the influence of Europeanization and the formal involvement of the Czech Republic in the wider European community, civic values are not widespread in society. The Czech Republic has a below-average voter turnout and very low public involvement in decision-making processes.
The project included activities focused on youth - a group newly involved in civil society that is characterized by low interest and a limited familiarity with democratic participation. The second target group were foreigners - the number of foreigners living long-term in the Czech Republic is growing, and the significance of their lack of information about the possibilities of self-realization in public space is gradually becoming more current. The barrier for foreigners from third countries is the lack of the right to vote at the local level and the associated lack of support for the acquisition of citizenship rights for foreigners. Another issue addressed was the low mobilization of civil society organizations. A related factor is not only the problem of the perception of democracy and citizenship, but also the broader problem of the effectiveness and legitimacy of democracy and public institutions. The project activities also addressed the issue of lack of mapping of new approaches to support civic participation. A partial problem was the internal development of the applicant in the area of communication, fundraising and organizational setup.
Within the project, educational democracy workshops in schools (secondary and high schools) were successfully implemented in 6 regions all around the Czech Republic. Workshops for a second key target group were successfully implemented - seminars and training sessions for people with migrant and refugee backgrounds aimed at raising civil society awareness and options of inclusion in decision making processes. Education and networking events for civil society representatives, educators and professionals were also implemented at the end of the project. Throughout the project life, an advocacy initiative had been carried out, researching and directly addressing political representatives and their attitudes to youth´s and foreigners´ options for increased involvement in public and political life. Two researches on the situation of civic education in different European countries were carried out and at the end of the project a compendium of activities and good practices based on the experience of the project was created. Study visits to Norway and Austria for 14 civil society organisations were organised in order to gain new knowledge and create new communities and transnational networks of educators.
Implemented educational workshops for youth impacted a total of 284 pupils and students, and 76% of them reflected positively on the workshops´ concept and the new information gained in an engaging way. The trainers conducted a total of 15 seminars at secondary and high schools. Participants were particularly interested in discussing current social issues, opportunities and experiences of influencing local happenings and community, democratic values, getting information in the media and the potential possibility of extending the right to vote for youth from the age of 16. The professional capacities of internal educators of the organisation and also 14 representatives of other civil society organisations from all around the Czech Republic were strengthened through implemented research, education materials development and transnational study visits to Norway and Austria. All participants broadened their European perspective on education and youth work. Through educational events for professionals/youth workers, a total of 66 people from the ranks of educators, youth workers and representatives of non-profit organizations and non-formal education trainers were impacted.. Participants particularly appreciated the opportunity for intensive personal discussions, exchanges of experiences and receiving information and tips from foreign experts from both civil and academic spheres (University of Agder, Norway). As part of an initiative to promote civic engagement, we were able to contact and get reactions from a total of 22 representatives of the political representation (parliament members, senators) through the reactions of themselves or professional staff from their offices. The project significantly influenced the internal capacities of the organisation, especially in areas related to communication, fundraising, professional networking and community building, financial management tools and general operation of the organisation.