Project facts

Project promoter:
Komunitní osvětové společenství z. s.(CZ)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:


The follow-up project to KOS ROSTE (KOS is growing). We will support lifelong learning and growth of KOS members and other potential initiators from NGOs in the region. We will increase their personal and staff capacity. We will empower 4 NGOs. We will support the growth of specific talents in a structurally affected region where there is no funding for growth or training in the NGO. 10 people with the growth potential will receive individual mentoring, coaching and training support according to their needs and based on a personal evaluative diagnosis. A professional coach will guide them through growth and goal definition. They will increase their potential for their work and for the implementation of new projects in the Karlovy Vary Region, before its transformation. We will assemble a diverse group of people who come from a common value base. Networking and sharing of experience does not happen systematically in the region and we consider it very useful and necessary for activating the local civic community not only in the field of volunteering. We want to achieve a qualitative change and support people who want to grow and know exactly in which area. We believe that they will be inspiration and initiators of positive changes for the place where they live. The offer of education here is very limited. In the project, we address this with the availability of the online portal for quality education and the possibility of individual choice of full-time courses or trainings, which are not affordable for our non-profit participants. Through an OSF grant from the ACF program, they can begin to realize their educational dream and increase their desire and motivation to enhance their education. The energy to activate the civic community is still sorely needed here.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.