
Project facts

Project promoter:
Diecézní charita Brno
Project Number:
Target groups
Victims of intimate-partner violence,
Victims of trafficking
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 61,233
The project is carried out in:
Jihomoravský kraj


The project focuses on comprehensive assistance to persons providing paid sexual services and victims of human trafficking and forced prostitution. Through activities such as social work with trafficked persons - social counseling, providing information about the risks associated with the current way of life and reduce these risks, help in dealing with current issues, testing for sexually transmitted diseases, after test counseling, telephone crisis intervention and others are trying to change life situation of these persons and their families for the better. The project also focuses on educating the general public.

Summary of project results

Project the Magdala was focused on the strengthening of human rights and freedom of women´s aim group, who became victims of violence. Violence against women represent breaking of the fundamental right of dignity, equality and access to the justice. It does not have influence only on the victims themselves, but also on the victims´ families, friends and on the society as s whole. This project main aim was to inform the whole society about the problem of trafficking in human beings, especially women in prostitution. Just few people know about the connection between violence against women and the prostitution sphere. But this very sphere is considered to be a high-risk sphere in terms of sexual exploitation. The project was focused on a complex help for people offering paid sexual services, victims of human trafficking and victims of forced prostitution. The project was focused on three main groups: victims of sexual abuse, general public and professional public. Some materials were made to support this project namely brochures, leaflets and promotional items, which further illustrated picturing individually outcomes. Very important part of the Magdala project was field social work. During the field social work were distributed some preventive and hygienic products, rapid test for sexually transmitted diseases and so on were distributed during the field social. Women were informed about the risks in sex-business and they were offered help in their live situation. Another part of Magdala project was sharing information about human trafficking with not only general, but also professional public. Thanks to Magdala project some women were supported in their new live style. Now women have knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases and thanks to the rapids test they know the risks of having unprotected sex. Students and pupils were taught about the risks, that threaten them and that arise in Czech republic and in the world on presentations. General public was informed about this serious issue and about the concrete situation in sexual exploitation.

Summary of bilateral results