Modern use of the Borotín Baroque Court

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The project addresses the lack of social and cultural activities in the region and seeks to revive the cultural monument Borotín Farmstead, situated immediately next to the ruins of Borotín Castle, whose use is gradually taking a new direction after several decades of disrepair and disuse. 

The aim of the project is to revive and establish the farm as a socio-cultural centre of the microregion Čertovo břemeno. The longer-term ambition is to become an important cultural centre of the wider region.

The project will complete the restoration of the former sheepfold into a permanent exhibition focused on a regional museum with interactive and educational elements for children and adults, where the Borotín municipality and local residents, among others, will place their significant objects and paintings. In the attic of the sheepfold, an exhibition space for one-off exhibitions will be created. The basic cultural framework will consist of the Year on the Farm, i.e. all-day multi-genre events related to the seasons and traditions - spring celebrations at Easter, summer celebrations at Midsummer, autumn celebrations at Harvest and Advent, which will anchor these events for the future and attract visitors from the wider area. Local entrepreneurs, craftsmen and farmers will participate in these events. The Year on the Farm with be completed with 4 musical and 6 theatrical performances. 16 guided tours of the courtyard and castle ruins will be prepared and organised, supplemented by the projection of historical material. Training for the staff working at the manor in the field of Management of Cultural Organisations will be implemented, thus strengthening the management of the cultural monument. 

Local residents, business people, local interest organisations and the municipality will be involved in the use of the social and cultural centre.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.