The project aims to improve the access to employment for people who are disadvantaged by criminal record in entering the labor market and thus achieve the protection of their rights. The target groups are people with criminal records, the public with a focus on employers and the expert public with a focus on NGOs, representatives of public administration and policy makers. The project includes the following activities: consultancy for people with criminal record, motivation and awareness campaign, proposal of changes and measures, the development of the applicant organization.
Summary of project results
The main goal of the project “Let's give a second chance” was to promote the equal treatment of people with criminal records (CR), especially when entering the labor market through ensuring them an equal access to employment and achieving the protection of their rights. Another aim of the project activities was to raise awareness on the issue of equal treatment and employment of people with CR among people and reduce prejudices about this target group. Other project activities were targeted at the professionals from public administration, NGOs and HR specialists in order to be able to meet the needs of this target group, share the experience further and also make suggestions in the realm of new strategies of reintegration of people with CR to the label market and crime prevention. During the project we realized several awareness activities to support the topic of equal treatment of persons with CR such as Practice Interview Days (for this activity RUBIKON Center won the National Award for Career Guidance in 2015), Yellow Ribbon Run - running with a yellow ribbon in the context of Volkswagen Prague Marathon or satirical carnival within the Velvet feast celebrations. We also created two videospots and posters and produced the campaign named ”I have not halo. I have work” targeted on employers in order to induce them to open their recruitment for people with CR. We also developed materials and documents for different target groups of the project involving the topic of equal treatment such as the Manual for Employers, Manual for People With CR, A Study on the Issue of Equal Treatment and the Manual for Advisors. We also formulated suggestions and recommendations for the system changes that could help to improve discrimination of people with CR on the labor market. We provided career counseling focusing on equal employment opportunities for 50 persons with CR, so far 18 of them found jobs. We have started cooperation with many new employers that are willing to recruit people with CR.
Summary of bilateral results